ARTICULACION FEMINISTA MARCOSUR, has designed an awareness campaign that will be launched at the World Social Forum, Brazil, February 2002.
Dr. Younus Shaikh, a peace activist and founder of the Progressive group 'Enlightenment', was a teacher at the Capital Medical College for Homeopathy, Islamabad. He was arrested on 5th October 2000 by the Islamabad police and charged under Section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code. All petitions for bail were rejected by the Lower and High Courts. On 24 July 2001 the Multan Bench of Lahore High Court confirmed the death sentence of Ayub Masih, a Christian, in a blasphemy case. Ayub Masih of Arifwala, Distt. Sahiwal (Southern Punjab) was arrested on 14 October, 1996 on the charge of passing derogatory remarks against the Prophet Muhammad. The appeal in one case is currently being heard while in the other case the appeal has already been turned down at the High Court level. It is therefore of the utmost urgence that all friends respond now to place pressure on the Pakistan authorities and ensure that these precious lives are not lost.
An Islamic court in the northern Nigerian state of Sokoto has acquitted a women accused of having sex outside marriage.
The case has been adjourned until 18 March 2002.
Listen to WLUML activists discuss these issues from web-cast discussions held from Tuesday 16 - Thursday 18 October 2001.
The Call to Accountability Campaign is an international campaign supported by over 300 international religious, women's rights and human rights groups whose goal is to raise public awareness about sexual violence against women in the Catholic church and hold accountable the individual and institutional leadership involved or complicit in this problem.
The network Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) wishes to extend its deepest condolences to the aggrieved, their families and the people of America following the crimes against humanity that were committed on 11 September 2001.
لَقِّم المحتوى