Violence against women

Indonesia is an archipelago country with 240 million people spread in more than 13,000 islands, living in 3 time zones, with 34 provinces and hundreds of districts/cities. It is one of the largest social media users especially among youth, not only middle-class, but also grass-roots particularly migrant workers. Known as a prominent organization founded by young women’s activists, which have been working for almost two decades, the Institute understands that combating human trafficking in a majority Muslim population country (with Christian, Catholic, Budhist, and Hindu least than 9 percent of population) will touch sensitive issues such as moral, cultural, and religious, not to mention patriarchal mindset from the government officials, parliament members, and also media, making the efforts face strong resistances and difficulties, and even threats. Some of NGOs released monitoring report on conflict showing conflict is still remains as problem. West Java is one of the highest rank province potentially effect by conflict.

At 32, Nalluri Poshani looks like an old woman. Squatting on the floor amidst piles of tobacco and tree leaves that she expertly transforms into beedis, a local cigarette, she tells IPS, I feel dizzy. The tobacco gives me headaches and nausea.

Libyan human rights activist and lawyer Salwa Bugaighis, who played an active part in country’s 2011 uprising, was shot dead by unknown assailants in the eastern city of Benghazi late Wednesday.

UN Human Rights Council, 26th Session
High Level Panel on Preventing and Eliminating Child, Early and Forced Marriage
23 June 2014

The wall of missing girls around the Falomo Roundabout under the Falomo Bridge in  Lagos had become significant in the crusade for the search for our missing girls. On May  8th at the roundabout, Women For Peace and Justice Bring Back our Girls Lagos after  obtaining the required permission, had carefully placed placards with the profiles and  names of 176 Chibok girls that that had been verified by CAN. The placards were  evidence that 200+ girls were missing and were a symbol of our commitment to bring  back our girls, the shared pain of the Chibok parents and the love of our nation.

The present report focuses broadly on developments in the United Nations regarding violence against women, its causes and consequences, over approximately 20 years. The objective is to provide a snapshot view of these developments, including the expanding conceptualization of the theme of violence against women, its causes and consequences. The analysis of continuing challenges is underpinned by the work of the mandate as identified through thematic reports, country missions and participation in conferences and meetings.

وقوع علي الأقل 9 حالات اعتداءات جنسية واغتصاب بالآلات الحادة والأصابع الأسبوع الجاري

تابع الموقعون التعديلات القانونية الأخيرة في قانون العقوبات المرتبطة بجرائم لاعتداءات الجنسية ويؤكدون أن التعديل خطوة غير كافية لمحاسبة مرتكبي جرائم العنف الجنسي التي طالت على الأقل 500 ناجية خلال الفترة من فبراير 2011 إلى يناير 2014، والتي شملت اغتصابات جماعية واعتداءات جنسية جماعية بالآلات الحادة والأصابع، والآلاف من النساء اللاتي تعرضن إلى تحرش جنسي. إن التصدي لهذه الظاهرة يحتاج إلى إستراتيجية وطنية متكاملة لمكافحتها وتشريع قانوني شامل

لَقِّم المحتوى