The violence against Muslims which began in Gujarat in 2002 has been called one-sided and state-sponsored and has been likened to a pogrom. One form of violence could be directed only against women and girls - rape.
An interesting article by Yoginder Sikand which refers to the madrasa system.
The AIDWA insists on a just and equitable nikahnama that protects the rights of both the husband and the wife.
Nearly three years after violence erupted in the state of Gujarat in Western India those responsible continue to walk free.
The coalition demands revocation of invitation to Indian politician accused of Gujarat pogrom.
A key witness in an alleged multiple murder and gang rape during religious riots in India's Gujarat state has identified 12 of the accused in court.
The recent spate of splits in the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) has come as a rude shock to the ‘ulama on the Board who had arrogated to themselves the right to speak on behalf of the 150 million or more Muslims in India.
Memorandum on behalf of the All India Democratic Women’s Association representing 7.5 million women of all communities and regions.
Feminist demands are routinely dismissed by religious conservatives as a ‘western’ ploy to promote dissension.
A 15-year-old schoolgirl has become the public face of a radical group's campaign for an "Islamic" dress code in a controversy similar to the one sparked by the recent French ban on headscarves in classrooms.
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