L’histoire de comment la chanteuse Sonita Alizadeh a résisté à la pression de la famille de se marier et a voyagé de Téhéran jusqu’à Utah après son talent a été nourrie par les networkers à travers le monde.

How 18 year old Sonita Alizadeh resisted family pressure to marry and travelled from Tehran to Utah after her talent was nurtured by networkers across the world.

Afghanistan:  Up to 90 percent of women in parts of Kabul cannot rent a house, open a bank account, inherit money or vote because they don’t have ID cards. The Norwegian Refugee Council's unique female only intervention team is helping households headed by women, while other NGOs struggle to recruit female staff.

Women’s rights have been held up as one of the most tangible gains of the international intervention in Afghanistan. Yet after 13 years of promises that women’s rights are a high priority, these gains remain fragile and are at increasing risk of erosion, especially as expected peace talks with the Taliban gain momentum.

In this TEDx talk, Afghan women's rights activist and WLUML networker Noorjahan Akbar shares her personal journey for getting an education and the impact that education has on empowering women around the world and in Afghanistan.

سيمكّن الوصول إلى مستويات أفضل من التمثيل الجنساني في قطاع القضاء في أفغانستان مزيداً من النساء من اتخاذ إجراءات ضد الرجال الذين يسيئون معاملتهن. هذا هو المنطق الذي اعتمدت عليه المنظمة الدولية لقانون التنمية (IDLO) التي أصدرت مؤخراً تقريراً توثق فيه المكاسب والتحديات الكبيرة التي ما تزال تلوح في الأفق- في جذب المزيد من النساء إلى المناصب القانونية الرئيسية في البلاد.

أشادت منظمة العفو الدولية بقرار الرئيس الأفغاني حامد قرضاي بعدم التصديق على مشروع قانون الإجراءات الجنائية، الذي كان من شأنه أن يحول دون تحقيق العدالة لضحايا الاغتصاب والعنف الأسري والزواج القسري والزواج دون السن القانونية.

More than one million people around the world have signed a petition against a new law in Afghanistan on the grounds that it offers the perpetrators of violence against women de-facto immunity. Referred to as the “anti-women gag rule”, the law has been denounced as the culmination of a series of belligerent attempts by the conservative government to undo the momentum in women’s protection initiatives over the last decade.  Yet in Kabul, there are few signs that the law was ever part of any such deliberate strategy, pointing towards the need for a more nuanced approach to the fault lines of gender politics at the dawn of post- NATO Afghanistan.


Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) welcomes the news that the Afghan President Hamid Karzai has postponed the signing of the new criminal procedure code, passed by both houses of the Afghan parliament.  Article 26 of the code would have effectively denied women protection from domestic violence and forced or child marriage, and would have given immunity to many perpetrators given its ban on relatives testifying against one another.  Through his Cabinet, the President ordered changes to this article.

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