Sudan: Appeal for an end to violence against women
Cameroonian Association of Female Jurists An appeal from Cameroon in response to continued reports of violence against women including rape and torture.
The civil society of Cameroon especially all human rights and women’s human rights activists, particularly, the Cameroonian Association of Female Jurists (CAFEJ), the African indigenous women’s organisation, human rights watch Cameroon, and the association for the fight against violence on women are appealing in line with Sudan’s Organisation Against Torture (SOAT) and SOAT’s network of lawyers in Nyala for the respect of human rights and women’s human rights in the Darfur region of Sudan.
It’s a pity and very touching that, while in other parts of Africa, where human beings are enjoying their rights and freedoms, those in Sudan don’t only suffer from effect of huger and diseases resulting from the civil war there, but also suffer from torture, rape, and attempted rape inflicted on women, especially young girls. The repercussion of all what is happening in Sudan today is very heavy for its future, and will last for quite a long time.
We have heard with dismay the rape and attempted rape of four girls on the 7th of march 2006 by two armed militias as they tried to collect fire wood out side the IDP camp at 11:30.
We are appealing together with Sudan’s organisation against torture, that, the risk of death penalty awaiting the girls be uplifted . to us, the girl who stabbed the attacker acted out of provocation, and self defence, which under our criminal law are grounds for criminal irresponsibility. The girls who first of all suffer from the effects of war, and who now have the collection and sale of fire wood as the only source of subsistence to them, cannot resist in acting to any acts of such, which heightens the anger they are having already.
We plead on the SOAT’ network of lawyers in Nyala, to provide them legal assistance till the end. We the female jurists association of Cameroon, are impatiently waiting to hear that, you people have effectively use our expertise in bringing justice to these young girls.
We equally plead on the government of Sudan to:
Cameroonian association of female jurists
Nouveau droits de l’homme Cameroun
Association of women in research and action
Association for the fight against violence on women
African indigenous women organisation
April 2006
We have heard with dismay the rape and attempted rape of four girls on the 7th of march 2006 by two armed militias as they tried to collect fire wood out side the IDP camp at 11:30.
We are appealing together with Sudan’s organisation against torture, that, the risk of death penalty awaiting the girls be uplifted . to us, the girl who stabbed the attacker acted out of provocation, and self defence, which under our criminal law are grounds for criminal irresponsibility. The girls who first of all suffer from the effects of war, and who now have the collection and sale of fire wood as the only source of subsistence to them, cannot resist in acting to any acts of such, which heightens the anger they are having already.
We plead on the SOAT’ network of lawyers in Nyala, to provide them legal assistance till the end. We the female jurists association of Cameroon, are impatiently waiting to hear that, you people have effectively use our expertise in bringing justice to these young girls.
We equally plead on the government of Sudan to:
- Investigate the attack and attempted rape of the girls and the kidnapping torture of the six men and ensure that, the perpetrators are brought before an impartial tribunal and guaranteed procedural rights at all times.
- Support the African union forces to investigate the continual attacks on IDPs around IDP camps in Darfur.
- Immediately embark on the immediate disarmament of Janjaweed militias and all armed militias operating in Darfur, particularly outside known IDP camps.
- Immediately adhere to it commitments under the ceasefire agreement.
- To comply with all UN security resolutions and the Un commission on Human rights resolution which condemns the continuation of violence against civilians and sexual violence against women and girls.
Cameroonian association of female jurists
Nouveau droits de l’homme Cameroun
Association of women in research and action
Association for the fight against violence on women
African indigenous women organisation
April 2006
Submitted on mar, 04/18/2006 - 23:00