
New publication from Women for Women's Human Rights (WWHR) - NEW WAYS detailing the success of two nationwide campaigns.
The study examines the common aspects of criminal laws in the Middle East & North Africa related to sexuality, providing a historical perspective & insight into the amalgamation of tribal, religious, colonial laws & their impact on modern codes.
WLUML has received a call for action from friends in Turkey following the recent Turkish Penal Code reform and urges you to respond.
An interview with Pinar Ilkkaracan from Women for Women’s Human Rights – New Ways.
Zuleyha Seker hardly seems like a rebel. But as one of 400 women preachers, known as vaizes, currently working in several of Turkey's state-run mosques, Ms. Seker is making waves.
Des femmes ont organisé une marche mardi dans le quartier commerçant d'Istanbul pour célébrer la trentième édition de la Journée internationale des femmes.
Homosexuals in Turkey believe the European Union has failed to lend them adequate support and expect Brussels to speak out in favor of their struggle for equal rights in the mainly Muslim nation.
A major step towards gender equality and sexual and bodily rights.
The shadow report raises critical questions and concerns on the Turkish Government's official report regarding the implementation of CEDAW in Turkey. The report is also endorsed by the Women’s Platform on the Turkish Penal Code.
Twenty-five NGO representatives and researchers from Muslim societies in South and Southeast Asia met in Jakarta to discuss pivotal human rights issues related to sexual and bodily rights, sexual politics, power and gender in Muslim societies.
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