
Dr. Homa Hoodfar, a highly respected university professor at Concordia University, Montreal has been arrested and detained in Iran's notorious Evin prison on Monday 6, June 2016. She is an anthropologist who conducts ethnographic research across the Middle East, as well on Muslims living in the West.

Originally published at Free Women Writers, here

File 3757


Written by: Marjan Asadullah

File 3639

Sultana Kamal is a brave lawyer and activist standing up for human rights in Bangladesh. She’s not afraid to take the spotlight on national television and debate the need for fair justice and human rights for all of Bangladesh – men, women and children.

But peacefully expressing her opinion has gained her the attention of those who want to stifle such activities. She’s now been threatened with violence from Islamist group, Hefazat-e-Islam.

In March 2015, a violent, hysterical mob beat, torched, and killed a woman, ran her over with a car, made her face unrecognizable, and threw her corpse in the Kabul river. Thousands of onlookers watched on like it was a spectacle to be enjoyed, not intervening, and hence, adding to the brutality.

The woman’s crime? “Burning the Quran”—which, as substantial evidence proved later, was an entirely false allegation.

Le Dr Homa Hoodfar, professeure dûment respectée de l’Université Concordia, à Montréal, a été arrêtée et détenue à la fameuse prison Evin, le lundi 6 juin 2016. C’est une anthropologue qui mène des recherches ethnographiques au Moyen-Orient, aussi bien qu’auprès des musulmans vivant en Occident. Sa recherche est connue pour être équilibrée et plusieurs de ses études mettent l’accent sur les opportunités et le statut élevé offerts aux femmes dans de nombreux pays musulmans, y compris en Iran.

File 3519


Source: Women’s Political Participation Committee in Afghanistan

January 21, 2016- Kabul, Afghanistan 

File 3289

ماريانا الطباع، باحثة وإحدي شركاء شبكة نساء يعيشون في ظل قوانين المسلمين


عرائس السلام فيلم قصير يحكي قصة فتيات سوريات تظاهروا بسلام لإيمانهم بأن التظاهر السلمي هو الطريق لسقط النظام السوري، لكن تم اعتقالهن لمدة شهرين. بعد شهرين إعتقالهن خرجوا ورأوا أن سلمية التظاهر قد إانتهت وأن ثورتهن اصبحت مسلحة، حرب للبقاء.

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