Sexual/reproductive rights & health

Critics have said the decision suggests the Church values the life of an unborn child above the well-being and safety of a woman.
Pain bénit pour les associations de lutte antiavortement du monde entier, le pape va canoniser le 16 mai, lors d’une cérémonie officielle sur la place Saint-Pierre à Rome, une femme qui a choisi de mourir pour sauver l’enfant qu’elle attendait.
The patriarchal notion that women’s bodies and sexuality belong not to themselves, but to their families and society, is reflected not only in customary practices, but is also sanctioned by the penal and civil codes in all of the countries in the region.
"Inertia and sexism has plagued the response to HIV/AIDS and we will continue to lose vast numbers of women as a result."
A proposal by 13 Muslim scholars that abortion be legalized for pregnancy caused by rape or incest has sparked a variety of reactions among religious leaders.
As world leaders meet to discuss population and development, new report reveals global Catholic public opinion diverges on abortion, contraception, and condoms from Vatican and US.
Each year some 50,000-100,000 women sustain an obstetric fistula which is a preventable and treatable condition.
A compilation of the Concluding Observations and General Comments or General Recommendations, relating to reproductive and sexual health, developed by the international human rights treaty bodies.

Research & writing on abortion and reproductive health in Pakistan: The International Context: The ICPD of Action and Abortion; Hopes and Realities: a Global Perspective; Reproductive Health and Population Programmes in Pakistan since 1947; Harsh Realities: The why and how of abortion in Pakistan: Scientific Research into Incidence of Abortion.

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