
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference. The Conference was organized in response to the food crises of the early 1970s that primarily affected the Sahelian countries of Africa. The conference resolved that "an International Fund for Agricultural Development should be established immediately to finance agricultural development projects primarily for food production in the developing countries".

العنف ضد المرأة حالة مستوطنة في جميع أنحاء العالم ولا يمكن إنكارها، وتشترك في ذلك جميع الثقافات والأديان والأمم. حيث يتجلى العنف في أشكال مختلفة، لا توجد بلد في العالم لا تواجه النساء العنف فيه لأنهم ببساطة نساء. ومع ذلك، بغض النظر عن الطبيعة العالمية للعنف ضد المرأة، لا تزال وسائل الإعلام وبعض المسؤولين الحكوميين يميلون إلى الحد من مناقشاتهم حول مدى انتشار العنف ضد المرأة إلى أجزاء معينة من العالم كمؤشر على التخلف الثقافي و/أو الديني في تلك المناطق

This is a material on the reclassification of FGM: the Local to Global Nature of the practice. It looks at the misunderstanding, confusion, and controversy over the complex dimensions of FGM that remain unresolved.

This material gives concise information about FGM in Arab countries. It is available in English and Arabic and facilitates a call for action to eradicate FGM

This report deals with law reform processes in legislating FGM. It gives background information on the types of laws in some African countries, including those without specific laws against FGM. 

شبكة النساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين"في حاجة ماسة للموارد المالية لتغطية تكاليف خدمات الاتصالات والمنشورات التي هي محور عملنا، وخصوصا في ظل التطورات السياسية الأخيرة والفرص المتاحة من أجل حقوق المرأة والديمقراطية عبر السياقات الإسلامية.

WLUML a besoin, de toute urgence, des fonds pour couvrir ses frais de communication et de publication qui constituent les secteurs les plus importants de son travail, surtout avec les évènements politiques récents et les chances de promouvoir les droits des femmes et la démocratie dans les contextes musulmans.

This is a training kit that provides steps to addressing FGM amongst immigrant families in Europe. It also provides case studies of girls affected by the practice in different countries. 

This book explores the various forms of FGM practice, as well as the terminologies and issues reinforcing the practice in Africa. It also includes the testimony of an ex-circumciser from The Gambia. It explores the rituals associated with the practice in the local context, as well as age and ethnicity issues with regards to FGM.

During the course of history, and in more contemporary times, a large number of honour killings have been reported from the Mediterranean, Latin American, and certain Muslim societies. However, research suggests it is an error to view the practice as being peculiar to a certain geographical region or belief system. Pakistan is one of the countries where the incidents of honour killing are among the highest in the contemporary world.

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