
Wendy Harcourt's 'Body Politics in Development' sets out to define body politics as a key political and mobilizing force for human rights in the last two decades.
“If sexual violence is not fully addressed in ceasefires and peace processes, there will be no peace for women,” said former UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland at a UN high-level meeting on peace negotiations in New York.
While one could think that aspects relating to sexuality would come into this debate as one of the key dimensions of human development, main obstacles remain, which make it difficult to more fully incorporate sexuality as development priority.
Faced with a significant lack of consensus around its “traditional values” resolution, Russia announced that there were “still issues to be addressed” and that the resolution would not be presented for a vote, but deferred until the September session.
Today, the Human Rights Council will consider a 'resolution on traditional values'.
Activists working for the rights of LGBT people in many countries are still under-resourced, unnecessarily isolated, and vulnerable to violent backlash even after four decades of struggle, according to a Human Rights Watch report.
UNDAW/DESA and UNECA convened an expert group meeting on good practices in legislation to address harmful practices, to be held at the United Nations at Addis Ababa, from 25 to 28 May 2009.
Two researchers crunching population statistics have confirmed an unsettling reality. Siwan Anderson and Debraj Ray noticed the ratio of women to men in developing regions and in some cultures is suspiciously below the norm.

Comme toujours nous profitons de l’occasion pour rattraper le temps avec certains membres du réseau pour voir ce qu’il en est des initiatives de par le monde. Nous y discutons des questions relatives au genre, à la répression menée par l’Etat en Ouzbékistan avec Marfua Toktakhodjaeva.

Expert Group Meeting on Good Practices in Legislation on Violence Against Women.
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