[state] repression of dissent

دكار,السنغال(بانا)- دعت منظمات حقوق الإنسان التي تنتمي للإئتلاف من أجل حقوق الإنسان في غامبيا أمس الخميس لسحب الدعوى القضائية المرفوعة ضد ناشطتين في حقوق المرأة هما الدكتورة ايساتو تواري المديرة التنفيذية للجنة الغامبية لمكافحة الممارسات التقليدية التي تؤثر على المرأة وايمي بوجانغ سيسوهو منسقة برنامج اللجنة في تلك البلاد التي تقع في غرب إفريقيا

After spending ten days in detention the two prominent Women’s Human Rights Defenders were granted bail on Wednesday 20th October, 2010 after a hearing in a crowded courtroom at the Banjul Magistrates Court.  The bail bond is One Million Five Hundred Thousand Gambian Dalasis (over US$ 50, 000) each, and a surety with a landed property. Update on Gambia: Two women’s rights activists, and WLUML networkers, arrested and detained

This is an update to the January 2010 WLUML Statement on charges against Imrana Jalal: Women Living Under Muslim Laws warmly welcomes the July 30th decision by Justice Priyantha Fernando of the Fiji High Court to stay the remaining charge against Fijian human rights lawyer and longtime WLUML networker Imrana Jalal. Along with the rest of the international human rights movement, WLUML will now be closely watching the treatment of Justice Priyantha Fernando to make sure that he is not subject to adverse consequences of any kind for his appropriate ruling in this case. We note that according to the UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, “it is the duty of all governmental and other institutions to respect and observe the independence of the judiciary.”

Human rights defenders Ms Tolekan Ismailova and Ms Aziza Abdirasulova have been subjected to interrogation and intimidation in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, following their activities monitoring the human rights situation in southern Kyrgyzstan in the wake of inter-ethnic fighting.

Iran's government is tightening its grip, harassing, imprisoning, and using violence against its own people one year after the disputed 2009 presidential election and the start of its brutal crackdown, Human Rights Watch said today. The anniversary of the June 12, 2009 election falls two days after a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, during which Iran defied criticisms of its human rights record.

تعرب المنظمات الموقعة أدناه عن قلقها العميق إزاء الضغوط المتزايدة التي يتعرض لها المواطن الإماراتي والناشط الحقوقي المعروف محمد علي صالح المنصوري، الرئيس السابق لجمعية الحقوقيين في الفترة من 2002- 2007.وقد توجت هذه الضغوط في الثامن والعشرين من ديسمبر 2009 بفصله من عمله كمستشار قانوني لحكومة إمارة رأس الخيمة، وذلك بعد أسبوع فقط من مشاركته في برنامج تليفزيوني بثته قناة "الحوار"، وتطرق خلاله إلى تقييم أوضاع حقوق الإنسان في بلدان الخليج، بما في ذلك دولة الإمارات.


Sur l’ATFD l’étau se resserre ! Depuis le mois d’octobre, un impressionnant dispositif sécuritaire est mis à nos portes. Postés là en permanence et soumis à la loi du silence, des agents font régner leur ordre discrétionnaire, filtrant l’accès aux locaux de l’association et refoulant avec force les jeunes et les« indésirables » parmi les adhérentes ou les partenaires. Ce blocus qui vise à nous couper de tout lien avec notre environnement, frappe de plein fouet nos activités de formation organisées dans le cadre de l’Université Féministe Ilhem Marzouki.

20/07/2009: The bail for the release of Shadi Sadr was provided by her family today but there is still no news of her release. (Meydaan)

WLUML is deeply concerned to learn that our colleague and friend, Ms. Shadi Sadr, has been arrested by plainclothes officers in Iran.
Two weeks since the proclamation of the 30-day state of emergency, scores of Fijian media and social movements continue to grope in the dark, performing their duties albeit with extreme caution.
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