[state] repression of dissent

The latest in a string of arrests, One Million Signatures campaign member Jelveh Javaheri was imprisoned on Saturday, December 1 after undergoing interrogation at the security branch of the Revolutionary Courts.
The World Association of Newspapers has joined an international appeal, calling for freedom of expression in Bahrain. The initiative was launched by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights.
Ghazala Minallah's account of the arrest of her husband, a lawyer in Pakistan. Her account suggests perhaps 6000 prisoners in a jail designed to hold 2000 people.
Civil society and calls on citizens to show their support for the non-oath-taking judges and lawyers spearheading the resistance.
Sous la pression internationale, une féministe iranienne, Delaram Ali, a vu sa peine d'emprisonnement suspendue sur ordre du chef de l'autorité judiciaire.
Amnesty International's call for a Day of Action for Pakistan.
The lawyer of Delaram Ali, a women's rights defender arrested at a peaceful demonstration last year, says Iran's judiciary has temporarily suspended her sentence.
Hina Jilani, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, also awaits house arrest upon her return to Pakistan.
D’ailleurs il est à craindre que le même sort soit réservé à sa sœur, Hina Jilani, Représentante spéciale du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies sur la situation des défenseurs des droits de l'homme, quand elle reviendra au pays d’un voyage à l’étranger.
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