[state] repression of dissent

During the events of the past few weeks, violence has manifested itself in its ugliest forms, as practiced by some and threatened by others. Putting aside the aims of the various factions involved, the SWO, in keeping with its commitment to its motto “For a Society Free of Violence and Discrimination,” condemns the use of violence by state forces and protestors alike, as well as the threats of violence by some who claim to be representing a “tribe” (as if we are living in a tribal era!). The SWO considers this to be barbaric behavior that utterly contradicts with the notions of citizenship, modern statehood,  freedom, democracy, and all other humanist practices. Such behavior only begets more violence, leading to destructive consequences for the entire society. Its continuation would be a big step backwards for Syria.

أفادت مصادر عديدة إلى استمرار حملة الاعتقالات التي استأنفتها أجهزة الأمن والمخابرات السورية الأسبوع المنصرم على خلفية مظاهرات الحرية. فقد أفاد عدة شهود عيان وأقارب في مضايا بريف دمشق إلى اعتقال المواطنين التالية أسمائهم على يد مخابرات أمن الدولة يوم الجمعة 18/3/2011: إبراهيم محمود (25 سنة) وقد تعرض للضرب العنيف قبل اعتقاله، خالد سليمان (19 سنة)، حسان محمود (22 سنة)، محمود الحاج، علي عساف (26 سنة)، محمد محرز (24 سنة)، عبد الرحمن محرز (21 سنة)، أحمد ناصيف (36 سنة)، إياد ناصيف (23 سنة) وقد أصيب بجروح بالغة، معاذ ناصيف (19 سنة)، زكريا ناصيف (23 سنة)، واثنان من أسرة الحبش. وقد قامت مخابرات أمن الدولة بمداهمة العديد من المنازل في مضايا وتفتيشها.

 دانت اللجنة التنظيمية للثورة الشبابية الشعبية بصنعاء المجزرة التي ارتكبها اليوم علي عبد الله صالح ونظامه بحق المعتصمين المطالبين بإسقاط النظام سلميا في ميدان التغيير بصنعاء ، والتي راح ضحيتها أكثر من أربعين شهيد ، و200 جريح 

In what ways are women participating in the protests in Yemen? The leading force behind this movement are the students from Sana’a University. They are gathered in Al-Huriya Square (Freedom Square) in front of the University. Women and women’s organisations are participating in the demonstrations and supporting the demonstrators, they stay until late at night in Freedom Square. In general, the students are protecting the women who are demonstrating on the square. Women are not generally targeted by the security forces in the repression of the protests because there would be an outcry. One woman demonstrator was arrested and imprisoned a couple of weeks ago, but she was released after one night, because we protested. 

On March 12, 2011, women human rights defenders from Palestine and Israel marked the centenary of International Women's Day with a historic conference at which the following contributions were made:  Ilana Hammerman: The "Entry to Israel" law is illegal and should not be obeyed; and Rivka Sum: The attack in Itamar proves that we should continue to work daily together to end the impossible occupation. 

Si l'on s'en tient aux images de télévisions, on pourrait croire que la Libye est peuplée d'hommes, exclusivement. Et pourtant, « ce sont les femmes qui, les premières, ont défié l'interdiction de manifester » raconte Naeïma Gebril, juge à la cour d'appel de Benghazi : « Le 15 février, les mères de milliers de prisonniers morts en détention sont venues se poster devant le tribunal de Benghazi avec les portraits de leurs fils, car le procès venait de s'ouvrir et Fethi Tril, l'un des avocats qui plaidait leur cause, avait été arrêté la veille. Elles n'ont pas été réprimées : il était impensable que les policiers frappent des femmes. »

Four witnesses failed to turn up  to testify  in the allegation of theft case against GAMCOTRAP officials, Dr. Isatou Touray and Amie Bojang- Sissoho at the Banjul Magistrate on the 9th March at 2011. Prosecution Officer, Superintendent Sainey Joof applied for an adjournment of the hearing because four Prosecution witnesses (2 from the Upper River Region and 2 from the Central River Region) did not turn up in court.    Prosecution Officer Joof told the court that a fax message has been sent on Friday to the Police in Basse to inform the women that they should report to the Court in Banjul to testify in the GAMCOTRAP case hearing. “We have subpoenaed them to come but they are not here.  The main office here has sent the fax to the Police so that they can use that to inform them.”  Update to Gambia: Yolocamba Director Accused of Rights Violation

To the people of Sudan: First we salute the bravery and grace of the young Sudanese women who came out and reported and gave evidence to the atrocious and savage sexual harassment they suffered at the hand of elements of Sudanese security organs. We address you today with a feeling of bitterness and anger for the gross violation of the constitutional and human rights of women and the low level of official treatment directed at them in Sudan. We have all seen and read in the media the statements of many women and how they were sexually harassed and intimidated and some were actually raped as a result of their participation in the peaceful demonstration instigated recently by Sudanese people demanding legitimate demands upheld by the constitution. They were faced by a brutal and inhuman treatment encompassed in the draconian and savage piece of law called (Public Order Law) and other Sudanese laws that degrades and disrespects the rights of women in particular and extend to all rights of Sudanese citizens.

الخرطوم في 9 مارس 2011 — نفذت قوات الشرطة السودانية حملة اعتقالات واسعة وسط ناشطات وحقوقيين تجمعوا بمدينة امدرمان الثلاثاء للاحتفال باليوم العالمى للمراة الذى يصادف الثامن من مارس فى كل عام والتنديد بالعنف الممارس ضد النساء فى السودان. وتبنت مبادرة "لا لقهر النساء" الدعوة للتجمهر بميدان المدرسة الاهلية القريب من منزل الزعيم السودانى المعروف اسماعيل الازهرى. ورفعت المحتجات لافتات تندد بالاغتصاب والاهانات التى تلاحق النساء فى السودان مطالبين السلطات الحكومية بالحد مما اسموه العنف ضد المراة

Iranian women are exposed to a variety of discriminations with charges ranging from gender-related and ethnic issues over religious and political beliefs to the defense of their own rights and those of underprivileged groups within the Islamic Republic of Iran.On the occasion of the 100th International Women’s Day we publish a list of imprisoned Iranian women to expose the extent of this discrimination. As to the prisoners of conscience the two most vulnerable groups are the religious minorities of Baha’i and Christians, both persecuted relentlessly as they pose a serious challenge to the autocratic Islamist system. With regards to ethnic discriminations members of the Kurd and Baluchi minorities are most endangered.

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