
Wednesday, April 3, at 11.30 am from A-Ram Checkpoint in north Jerusalem to Kalandia at the edge of occupied Ramallah.
Israeli troops continue their military assault against Palestinians including the siege imposed on the Palestinian Authority's headquarters in Ramallah.
Plusieurs témoignages font état d'exécutions sommaires et de représailles indistinctes contre les civils conduites par les soldats de Tsahal dans la ville abritant le siège de Yasser Arafat.
The Palestine Monitor reports that the Israeli army has now completely invaded Ramallah including the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority, with more than 150 tanks and military armaments.
Le Monde - Des ONG rappellent que ces derniers jours 'le personnel médical a été la cible d'attaques de plus en plus fréquentes.'
Gush Shalom report that 120 tanks are present on the streets, and both helicopters and tanks are bombarding different neighbourhoods with missiles.
Since early January 2002, Amnesty International has expressed its concerns regarding the treatment, conditions of detention, and legal status of detainees in US custody, transferred from Afghanistan to the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The report provides an overview of the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan with particular focus on the events since September 2001.
The demonstration is organised by the Stop the War Coalition and supported by CND.
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