
Selon certaines sources, près de la moitié des chrétiens irakiens a choisi l’exil au cours des vingt dernières années. Lundi 15 novembre, sous le titre "Des intellectuels arabes condament les agressions que subissent les chrétiens d’Irak" et à l’initiative du Forum culturel libanais, une quarantaine de personnalités arabes vivant en France a signé un manifeste dont voici l’intégralité.

We have just visited the Gaza Strip where we met many courageous people trying to live relatively normal lives despite the crippling effects of the illegal Israeli blockade. The blockade was imposed to punish the Hamas-led government, but it is women and children who are paying the highest price. In our conversations with a range of women, we learned that despite the apparent "easing" of restrictions by Israel and Egypt, important socio-economic indicators such as poverty, malnutrition, unemployment and family violence are getting worse. Women in this conservative society find their domestic responsibilities made all the more difficult and time-consuming by the blockade -- and they bear the brunt of society's frustration and anger in such trying times.

رغدة وفي .. العمر 23 سنة قتلت في أحداث كنيسة سيدة النجاة في الحادي والثلاثين من اكتوبر 2010 ، في بغداد - الكرادة على أيدي أرهابيين ، متزوجة قبل شهر من مقتلها - وكانت قبل يوم قد أستلمت التحليل الخاص بأنها حامل فذهبت في اليوم التالي لتشكر الرب على الحمل

 Weak leadership and internal divisions have prevented Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) from exploiting splits among its Islamist insurgent enemies, say analysts. Al-Shabab and Hisbul-Islam insurgents have, in the past two months, intensified attacks against government forces and allied African Union (AU) troops. Clashes in Mogadishu between 1 and 3 October, for example, left at least 50 people dead and 174 wounded, according to local human rights organizations. 

As Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited the U.N. General Assembly in New York last month, the spotlight was once again on Iran. And true to form, the Iranian president made his fair share of provocative statements for the Western media. But while Ahmadinejad's mercurial rants captured our media's attention, back in Iran a coordinated strategy against the women's movement continued. On the eve of Ahmadinejad's arrival to New York, Shiva Nazar Ahari, a prominent young female defender of human rights, received a heavy sentence of six years in prison on charges including the vague crime of "waging war against God" -- a convenient catch-all offense for anyone who criticizes the regime and its human rights record.

On the occasion of the expiry of seven months to conduct general elections in the seventh of March of this year, more than four months from the date of ratification of the election results in the first of June, established a civil initiative to preserve the Constitution Sit II to protest against the continuing breach of the constitutional articles (50) and ( 54) and (55) and (72) and (76) of the Constitution, and the inability of Representatives three hundred and twenty-five elected by the people to exercise their political, regulatory and legislative, which plunged the country into trouble a constitutional and political does not seem to have end in sight.

.تجمع مدني سلمي لإنهاء الأزمة الدستورية يواجه بالاعتداء بمناسبة انقضاء سبعة أشهر على إجراء الإنتخابات العامة في السابع من آذار من هذا العام، وأكثر من أربعة أشهر من تاريخ المصادقة على نتائج الإنتخابات في الأول من حزيران، أقامت المبادرة المدنية للحفاظ على الدستور أعتصامها الثاني للإحتجاج على إستمرار الخرق الدستوري للمواد (50) و(54) و(55) و(72) و(76) من الدستور ، وعجز النواب الثلاثمائة وخمسة وعشرين الذين انتخبهم الشعب عن ممارسة دورهم السياسي والرقابي والتشريعي، الأمر الذي أدخل البلاد في مأزق دستوري وسياسي لا يبدو له في الأفق نهاية.

La Résolution 1325 interpelle tous les Etats membres des Nations Unies, toutes les parties prenantes lors des conflits armés et tous les acteurs impliqués dans le processus de désarmement et de paix à aborder les questions relatives à la paix et à la sécurité en prenant en compte la dimension genre. C’est la première mesure portant spécifiquement sur les femmes que le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies a adoptée depuis sa création.

If there is one group that faces special challenges in Southern Sudan, it is women. Principal among them is gender-based violence, which is under-reported and spreading given the long history of conflict, certain traditional practices and weak judicial systems, say specialists. Below are some key obstacles to tackling GBV in Lakes State. 

Although the overall security situation in Iraq has gradually improved, the conditions for minority communities of the country’s diverse population remain extremely distressing. Investigations throughout 2009 by Minority Rights Group International’s (MRG’s) partner in Iraq, Iraqi Minorities Organization (IMO), coupled with secondary research sourced from 2009 and the first half of 2010, lay bare the frequent bombings, torture, arbitrary arrest, intimidation, displacement and marginalization facing Iraq’s cultural and religious minorities.

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