[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

 قالت احد الصحف بأن  نساء سعوديات يخططن لاستثمار فتوى "ارضاع الكبير" في اطار حملة لتحقيق مطلبهن السماح لهن بقيادة السيارات.واضافت الصحيفة انه في حال عدم الاستجابة لمطلبهن، فان هؤلاء النسوة سيتبعن هذه الفتوى التي تجيز لهن ارضاع سائقيهن بهدف تحويلهم الى ابناء لهن بالرضاعة. ونقل عن الصحفية السعودية امل زاهد قولها انه سيتم اطلاق الحملة تحت شعار "اما ان تسمحوا لنا بقيادة السيارات او سنرضع الاجانب".وقالت زاهد ان قرارهن يتبع فتوى اطلقها عالم دين سعودي بارز وتقول ان بامكان النساء السعوديات ارضاع سائقين الاجانب من اجل تحويلهم الى ابناء لهن بالرضاع.

Many were stunned when Saudi cleric Sheik Abdel Mohsen Obeikan recently issued a fatwa, or Islamic ruling, calling on women to give breast milk to their male colleagues or men they come into regular contact with so as to avoid illicit mixing between the sexes. But a group of Saudi women has taken the controversial decree a step further in a new campaign to gain the right to drive in the ultra-conservative kingdom, media reports say. If they're not granted the right to drive, the women are threatening to breastfeed their drivers to establish a symbolic maternal bond.

One thing is really clear about Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor in the video Mencari Kartika, produced and directed by Norhayati Kaprawi: Kartika, who was sentenced to be whipped, fined and imprisoned for drinking beer because she was a Muslim, was angry at the syariah system that had sentenced her. It is a startling revelation, because nowhere in media reports does the public ever have a sense of how angry she was.

A Canadian author will become the first Muslim-born woman to lead a mixed-gender British congregation through Friday prayers tomorrow in a highly controversial move that will attempt to spark a debate about the role of female leadership within Islam. Raheel Raza, a rights activist and Toronto-based author, has been asked to lead prayers and deliver the khutbah at a small prayer session in Oxford. She has been invited by Dr Taj Hargey, a self-described imam who preaches an ultra-liberal interpretation of Islam which includes, among other things, that men and women should be allowed to pray together and that female imams should lead mixed congregations in prayer.

Le site de « Riposte laïque » animé par notre "ami" Pierre Cassen a donné son point de vue sur la soirée de soutien organisée en faveur d’Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Si je partage l’essentiel de l’avis exprimé dans cet article, quelques points me posent un problème de fond et je voudrais expliquer ma position loin de tout esprit polémiste. Je suis même prêt à en débattre publiquement à l’occasion.

The new Independent Expert in the field of cultural rights, Ms Farida Shaheed, presented her first report to the Human Rights Council on Monday 31 May 2010. The presentation was followed by an interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert, which took place in the morning of 1 June. The report presents the Independent Expert's preliminary views on the conceptual and legal framework of the mandate on cultural rights and the priority issues she plans to focus on in the future.

Cinq présentatrices de la chaîne satellitaire Al-Jazira, qui a révolutionné l'audiovisuel dans le monde arabe, ont présenté leur démission en raison d'un conflit avec la direction portant entre autres sur leur tenue vestimentaire. "Notre décision de démissionner est définitive et irréversible", a déclaré à l'AFP l'une des cinq présentatrices démissionnaires, justifiant cette initiative par une ambiance devenue "insupportable" au sein de la chaîne basée au Qatar.

‘STOP COVERING UP OR WE START CLEANING UP’: 28th May 2010 is the 49th anniversary of Peter Benenson’s launch of Amnesty International. But as the organization begins planning celebrations, Gita Sahgal asks whether Amnesty International’s leaders have lost their grip on reality. Do sections of the human rights movement lend their credibility to protecting Islamists rather than protecting their rights?

Dans cet entretien, la féministe algérienne revient sur des dossiers très sensibles de la place de la femme dans une société à culture musulmane qui, de surcroît, a vécu les pires formes de terrorisme islamiste. Wassyla Tamzali répond à “Liberté

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