[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

Much attention has been focused on the process of radicalisation of young men in the areas of Pakistan that border Afghanistan. Peshawar, the town near the border between the two countries, is infamous for being the centre of a vibrant industry and trade in homemade guns. For more than two decades, violence has become the dominant currency of almost every aspect of life in this area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, once known as the North West Frontier Province.

Zainah Anwar, Sisters in Islam (SIS) founder answers ... What are your thoughts on the French government's ban on Muslim women from wearing the burqa in public? Susila B, Johor. Z.A. I believe the state has no role to play in deciding whether a woman should cover or uncover her hair. In Iran or Saudi Arabia, you cannot leave home without the hijab but in Turkey you cannot be in any public school or university or government building with the hijab. I wish the state would leave women's heads alone. However, when it comes to the burqaor niqab (face covering), I find myself conflicted about the role of the state in this. 

Son film « Ni Allah ni maitre » qui sera projeté à Cannes le 18 mai lui vaut une campagne d’insultes et d’intimidations dans son pays. La liberté de conscience est-elle interdite à Tunis ?

شارك عدد كبير من النساء المصريات في مسيرة " لا للفتنة الطائفية " التي أطلت علي مصر بوجهها القبيح من حي إمبابة، للتأكيد علي قيم المواطنة والتسامح ولدرء الفتن التي شهدتها المنطقة ومناطق مختلفة في مصر بعد الثورة . ويؤكد المركز علي أن الأمر يعد محاولة مكشوفة لإجهاض ثورة يناير وتصفيتها من خلال استخدام النساء في أحداث الفتنة. ويشيد المركز بمشاركة المرأة في هذه المسيرة من كافة القوي السياسية وكذلك من نساء إمبابة اللاتي شاركن بكافة أنماطهن من ربات منزل، وموظفات؛ مسلمات يحملن الصليب ومسيحيات يؤكدن بهتافهن علي المواطنة الكاملة. ويري المركز أن مشاركة النساء في تلك المسيرة جاءت تاكيداً علي رفضهن لاستخدامهن، وتأكيدهن علي رفض استغلال الدين بإسمهن من منطلق المتاجرة بالدين من الجانبين . 

A large number of Egyptian women participated in a march entitled "No to sectarian strife" which appeared with its ugly face in the district of Imbaba. They participated in this march to stress the values of citizenship and tolerance and to prevent the strife that has been witnessed in the district and in many different places in Egypt after the revolution. The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights affirms that the incidents that happened between Muslims and Christians are a clear attempt to abort the 25th of January revolution through the use of women to fuel strife.

Tehmina Kazi wears modest western dress and believes in plurality and diversity within her faith, Islam. For her pains, she has been labelled a whore, admonished for not wearing the hijab and accused, inaccurately, of wearing short skirts by people she has never met, writing online. When she defended Usama Hasan, the London imam who faced death threats and was suspended from Leyton mosque last month after he said evolution was compatible with Islam, she had to go to police after receiving threats of her own.

The Personal Status and Family Code of Mali was adopted in 2009 by the National Assembly, but promulgation by the President of Mali has been delayed until now due to the mobilization of Muslim religious organizations opposed to it. AWID interviewed Djingarey Ibrahim Maiga, the President of Femmes et Droits Humains, and Yaba Tamboura, member of the Steering Committee of Collectif des Femmes du Mali (COFEM) on the status of the new Personal Status and Family Code of Mali (hereafter referred to as the Family Code).

Three days after the enforcement of the French law that prohibits full face covering, and after the first women law breakers have been fined, international media focus on ’protesting Muslims’, while the voices of the vast majority of presumed Muslims in France are ignored. One has to raise issue with the absence of proper coverage by English language international media regarding the public stands taken by French citizens of migrant Muslim descent.

Pour de nombreux Tunisiens, le passage à une culture plus traditionnelle est incompatible avec la récente histoire du pays. Ils craignent que les acquis de la révolution ne soient perdus. Lors d'une manifestation organisée le 1er avril à Tunis, à l'initiative notamment du Parti de libération islamique, certains manifestants ont souhaité l'obligation du port du niqab et le retour à une vie consacrée au foyer pour les femmes.

Tous deux sont au cœur du débat sur la laïcité qui vire, ces dernières semaines, à la stigmatisation des musulmans. Sihem Habchi, présidente du mouvement Ni putes ni soumises (NPNS), très impliquée dans la loi anti-burqa, et Richard Malka, avocat du journal Charlie hebdo (les caricatures de Mahomet) ou de la crèche Baby Loup (et le licenciement de son employée voilée) ont le sentiment qu'un piège est en train de se mettre en place sur cet « enjeu de civilisation ».

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