Middle East

Zeynab Jalalian, a member of Iran’s Kurdish minority, currently serving a life sentence in Kermanshah Prison, western Iran, is at risk of losing her eyesight and she is in urgent need of medical care.

هذا التقرير يوثّق الإساءة إلى سيدات أثناء الاحتجاز، بناء على مقابلات مع سيدات وفتيات من السنة والشيعة في السجون؛ ومع عائلاتهن ومحاميهن؛ ومع مقدمين للخدمات الطبية في السجون، في توقيت يشهد تصاعد العنف بين قوات الأمن وجماعات مسلحة. قامت هيومن رايتس ووتش أيضاً بمراجعة وثائق محاكم ومعلومات مستفيضة تلقتها في اجتماعات مع سلطات عراقية تشمل مسؤولين من وزارات العدل والداخلية والدفاع وحقوق الإنسان، واثنين من نواب رئيس الوزراء.

لقراءة  الدراسة أرجو الضغط على الوصل أدناه.


عشرون عاما على مؤتمر القاهرة الدولي للسكان والتنمية:
حالة الحقوق والصحة الإنجابية والجنسية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

Reports indicate Islamic Republic judiciary officials continue to subject prisoner Maryam Shafi’pour to undue pressure and abuse in order to extract false confessions. 

 فتيات  رقصن بشكل مفاجيء  أمس الجمعة في منطقة الكوربة في مصر الجديدة في إطار الحملة العالمية  ”مليار ثائر لأجل العدالة 201

The attached report was submitted by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights to the CEDAW (Convention for the Eliminatin of Discrimination Against Women) Committee.

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights is is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization, registered with the Bahraini Ministry of Labor and Social Services since July 2002. Despite an order by the authorities in November 2004 to close it, the BCHR is still functioning after gaining wide internal and external support for its struggle to promote human rights in Bahrain. The co-founder and former President of the BCHR is Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, who is currently serving a life sentence in prison for charges related to freedom of speech. The current President is Nabeel Rajab, who is serving a two year prison sentence for his work as a human rights defender. The Acting President is Maryam Al-Khawaja.

Afsana, a British citizen and former civil servant, went to live in Dubai in early 2010 with her French husband. After the birth of their son in April that year, she was subjected to serious physical and mental abuse. After suffering constant threats, intimidation and abuse from the ex husband, she fled with her baby in April 2011. All previous attempts to report the assaults did not amount to any action, instead she now faces a series of cases that her ex-husband has instigated - designed to mar her reputation and prevent her from leaving.   

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