
The Women's Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran (WFAFI) is committed to promoting a greater awareness of the challenges women face living under fundamentalist regimes such as that of Iran. Their tasks range from raising public awareness, conducting research projects and initiating outreach programs -- to policy discussions and analysis. We firmly believe that the political presence, participation and leadership of women are instrumental to achieving social, political and economic equality. Their headquarters are in Boston, Massachusetts.

This is a secularist, rights-based organisation based in the UK. They focus on violence against women in minority communities.


Tel: +44 (0) 207 920 6460; +44 (0) 7862 733 511

The mission of the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran is to gather support for Iranian human rights activists and defenders who are advocating for their civil, political, social, and economic rights within the framework of international treaties and standards that define Iran’s obligations. They have conducted work on the women’s movement and stoning in particular.

يعرض هذا البحث الملخص لمحة عامة عن الرجم في أيامنا المعاصرة، وذلك لأنه غير مبرر بما يكفي في كل من حقوق الإنسان ووجهات النظر الدينية. والرجم هو شكل من أشكال التعذيب القاسية التي تستخدم لمعاقبة الرجال والنساء في حالات الزنا والعلاقات الجنسية الأخرى ’غير المشروعة'. وفي الوقت الراهن فإن هذه العقوبة قانونية تضطلع بها الدولة في بلدين على الأقل، وقد تم رجم ما لا يقل عن سبعة أشخاص حتى الموت في السنوات الخمس الماضية.

The Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition is deeply concerned by the ongoing detention of an Iranian women's rights activist, despite a legal order for her release. Maryam Bahreman, a member of Iran's One Million Signatures Campaign, was arrested on 11 May and held in solitary confinement. After questioning at the Prosecutor's Office on July 5, an order was issued for Ms Bahreman's release on bail. However, the order was not implemented and she remains in Shiraz prison.   

She has informed her family of her transfer to the Langaroud Prison in Qom on the day of her arrest. Fatemeh Masjedi and Maryam Bidgoli had been arrested earlier and later released on bail. The court sentenced them to one year in prison and a monetray fine for ant-regime propaganda by membership in the feminist and “anti-regime” group of One Million Signature Campaign. The sentence was later reduced to 6 months in prison by the appeals court. Fatemeh Masjedi had been detained earlier and has been released after serving her sentence.

Maryam Bahreman, militante des droits des femmes, est toujours en détention alors que le parquet de Chiraz a ordonné sa libération sous caution au début du mois de juillet. Amnesty International la considère comme une prisonnière d'opinion, détenue uniquement pour avoir exercé pacifiquement son droit à la liberté d'expression et d'association.

Women’s rights activist Maryam Bahreman remains in detention despite an order from the Prosecutor’s office in Shiraz to release her on bail at the start of July. Amnesty International considers her to be a prisoner of conscience, held solely for the peaceful exercise of her rights to freedom of expression and association. See WLUML's action alert here and/or follow the instructions in the Amnesty letter campaign.

Alors même que vient de prendre fin le Mondial de football féminin, l'hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel annonce qu'une deuxième journaliste iranienne censée couvrir l'évènement a été arrêtée, information confirmée par le parquet de Téhéran. Les autorités Iraniennes n'ont communiqué aucun motif officiel concernant ces deux arrestations. 


As a human rights lawyer who defended scores of women unjustly condemned to death by stoning or other methods of execution in Iran, I am accustomed to hearing unpleasant news. However some stories still shake me. Ashraf Adelzadeh's ordeal is one of them. I came to know about Ashraf's case during my research in the "Justice For Iran" project that investigates rampant rapes and tortures of the women prisoners in Iran.

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