[fund] co-optation by politico-religious and/or conservative forces

Most of the countries of the world are now becoming multi-religious thanks to faster means of transportation and employment opportunities in western countries and oil rich Middle Eastern countries.
Une juridiction d'appel islamique du nord du Nigeria a acquitté mercredi une jeune nigériane enceinte qui avait été condamnée à mort par lapidation pour adultère par un tribunal coranique, a-t-on appris auprès du tribunal.
Hajara Ibrahim, who was sentenced to death by stoning by the Lere Sharia court in Bauchi for getting pregnant out of wedlock was acquitted and discharged on November 10, 2004 after the Dass Upper Sharia Court delivered its judgement.
Religion and politics make for a very lethal combination, not just for others but also for the very society in which this occurs.
At the ESF European Assembly for Women, several women's organisations presented their declaration against the European Constitution.
L’islam de France en crise.
On se souvient que l'an dernier, à Saint-Denis, la présence de Tariq Ramadan, soutenue par les organisateurs du FSE, avait soulevé une forte émotion chez de nombreux militants de gauche et dans le mouvement altermondialiste.
How respective ideologies contribute towards a culture that condones and engages in violence, by Beena Sarwar.
Radical Islamists have launched a new magazine publication on the internet especially for women.
Earlier this year, conflict in Nigeria’s Plateau state, resulting in part from religious tensions, sparked concern about relations between Christians and Muslims in that country.
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