[violence] honour crimes

Authorities in Saudi Arabia have defended a judicial sentence of 200 lashes for a rape victim.
"Sadia Sheikh, 20 ans, belge d'origine pakistanaise est lâchement assassinée en pleine rue par son frère alors qu'elle refusait un mariage que ses parents voulaient l'obliger à contracter au Pakistan."
The chief of police in the southern Iraqi city of Basra has warned of a campaign of violence against women carried out by religious extremists.
"Sadia (20 ans) aimait un garçon. Mais d'autres avaient choisi à sa place. Son frère lui a tendu un traquenard. Il l'a assassinée. Sa soeur Sarya (18 ans) est à l'hôpital."
"According to police records, every year 20-25 women in Jordan are killed “in the name of honour”, that is, for having an illicit affair."
"Murders considered to have been in defence of honour are not considered a "crime" under Syrian law, but an "offence". It carries a maximum penalty of a year's imprisonment, but could be reduced to a month by a judge."
A woman who committed adultery, having a husband and three children was sentenced to death in an Iranian court in Mashhad, Iran.
The murder of 16-year-old Zahra al-Azzo prompts rights activists, lawyers and the media to speak out against so-called crimes of honour.
A mother and son were today jailed for life at the Old Bailey for their part in an "honour" killing.
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