
La Nigériane Amina Lawal, condamnée à mort par lapidation pour avoir eu un enfant hors mariage, a comparu mercredi devant la Cour d'appel islamique de Katsina (nord).
رسالة من جمعية " باوباب من أجل حقوق المرأة ", لاجوس, نيجيريا, بخصوص قضية السيدة أمينة لوال
A message from BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights, Lagos, Nigeria regarding the case of Amina Lawal.
An Islamic court in the northern Nigerian state of Katsina has postponed for one month its ruling on the appeal of Amina Lawal.
A letter from BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights, Lagos, Nigeria regarding the case of Amina Lawal.
Amina Lawal has had her appeal adjourned until 27 August 2003 as she seeks to overturn a conviction for adultery.
Des quantités impressionnantes de pétitions et des campagnes de lettres de protestation se sont mises en place autour du cas de Amina LAWAL (condamnée à être lapidée à mort pour adultère, en août 2002).
There has been a whole host of petitions and letter writing campaigns about Amina Lawal (sentenced to stoning to death for adultery in August 2002).
An appeal, due to begin in northern Nigeria for Amina Lawal, a Muslim woman convicted of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning, has been postponed because the judges failed to turn up.
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