UK: Father jailed for honour killing

Kurdish Women Action Against Honour Killings
Heshu, aged 17 years, was found murdered and mutilated on the evening of October 12th 2002 in her flat in West London.
Members of Kurdish Women Action Against Honour Killings (KWAHK) have followed this case closely from the outset.
Her father, Mr Yunis known as Khula Komala, is an old member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and a member of staff at the PUK’s office in London. On Monday September 29th 2003, Mr Yunis is to stand trial for the murder of Heshu.

On October 18th 2002 KWAHK published a statement on the case. What is more, they have worked closely with the authorities in the UK to assist in the process of delivering justice on the basis of truth.

KWAHK is determined to defend justice for Heshu. We refuse to allow memory of her to be eradicated and to remain silent. We must all bear witness to what has happened and look within ourselves for the violence that was visited upon Heshu.

Kurdish Women Action Against Honour Killings (KWAHK) is a network of Kurdish and non-Kurdish activists, lawyers and academic researchers. KWAHK aims to raise national and international awareness about the issue of violence against women in the Kurdish communities, in particular honour killing, both in Kurdistan and in the Diaspora.

For further information, you can contact KWAHK at:

Click here to read the BBC report on this case. The article UK Muslims condemn honour killings from the BBC website may also be of interest.