Women and the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice
Currently the ICC is undergoing an enormous recruitment process to staff the Court in preparation for it’s substantive work.
To promote the appointment of women to key positions, Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice, note relevant vacancies at the ICC, as well as updates on the appointments made.
ICC Vacancies

The Rome Statute requires that in the employment of staff, the Prosecutor and Registrar must have regard for the representation of the principal legal systems of the world, equitable geographical representation, and fair representation of women and men.

Court Officials have indicated they receive few applications from women, and very few applications from Asia and Africa. We are working with the Court to address their responsibility in ensuring gender balance and regional diversity amongst the staff of the ICC.

We have become aware that some people think only those from countries which have ratified the Rome Statute are eligible to apply for positions at the ICC, or that applicants need the support of their Government. This is not the case. Anyone can apply, staff already appointed are from both State and non- State Parties.

Listed below are the positions currently advertised, and a reminder that the Deputy Prosecutor position is still open, the closing date is April 30. This is a very important position, and we ask for your support in identifying experienced women candidates.

Guidelines for applications for the ICC can be found on the ICC website: www.icc-cpi.int. It is essential for applications to follow these guidelines and include a completed personal history form.

Deputy Prosecutor (Prosecutions) (ASG)
Head of The Prosecution Division of The Office of The Prosecutor
Deadline: 30-04-2004
Vacancy Number: 04-LEG-037-PO

Central and Eastern Africa Expert (P-3 position)
NB: 2 vacancies!
Investigation Division, Office of the Prosecutor
Deadline: 15-04-2004
Vacancy Number: 04-ADM-042-PO
http:// http://www.icc-cpi.int/php/jobs/vacature_details.php?id=240

Forensic Coordinator (P-4)
Office of the Prosecutor
Deadline: 22-04-2004
Vacancy Number: 04-ADM-044-PO

Operations Officer (P-4)
Investigation Division, Office of the Prosecutor
Deadline: 22-04-2004
Vacancy Number: 04-ADM-043-PO

Associate Analyst (P-2)
NB: 2 vacancies!
Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Co-Operation Division of the Office of the Prosecutor
Deadline: 26-04-2004
Vacancy Number: 04-LEG-048-PO

Assistant Investigator (P-1)
NB: 4 vacancies!
Office of the Prosecutor
Deadline: 26-04-2004
Vacancy Number: 04-ADM-046-PO