Nigeria: Africa regional institute for women’s leadership and training of trainers

Women's Learning Partnership
WLUML regional coordination office BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights, a partner of WLP, will convene the Africa Regional Learning Institute for Women's Leadership and Training of Trainers from February 21-25, 2005 in Calabar, Nigeria.
WLP Institutes are learning centers for empowering women to participate as leaders in the decision-making processes in all areas of social, political, and economic life. Institute participants will include 25 women's rights activists and leaders from nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Among the participants will be WLP partners Community Education and Development Services (Cameroon) and the Women’s Self-Promotion Movement (Zimbabwe). Using the English edition of WLP’s leadership training manual, /Leading to Choices/, participants will engage in skills-building sessions on facilitation, communication, and advocacy as well as build a stronger network of grassroots women’s rights NGOs in the region to advance women’s leadership, promote sustainable development, and combat violence against women.