International: Annual demonstrations against Shari'a in Canada

International Campaign Against Shari'a Court in Canada
It has been a year since the last day of national and international protest against faith based courts in Ontario and demands for the removal of family law from the 1991 Arbitration Act.
The International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada worked hard to inform the general public and the ministries in charge about the high risks of permitting Sharia courts in Ontario. Unfortunately, despite all the warnings, the government of Ontario has not taken a clear position to prevent the interference of religious institutions in the judicial system.
This is a call upon all concerned individuals and progressive organizations to join us in opposing the Ontario Arbitration Act 1991 which allows religion to interfere in the Canadian judicial system. This Act allows family law disputes to be resolved outside the law courts by arbitrators according to their own religious and cultural beliefs. This act allows Islamic groups to legalize the suppression of women by implementing the proposed Shari'a Court.

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