Publications by Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Centre

The titles listed below can be ordered directly from Shirkat Gah Women's Resource Centre. Write to them at for more details.
Women, Law and Society: An Action Manual for NGOs
Designed for use by non-governmental and community based organisations working in the field of women’s rights, this user-friendly reference manual covers a broad range of issues of importance in the daily lives of all Pakistani women; women in the family (consent, marriage, dower, divorce); women in society (economic, political and religious rights and citizenship); bodily and individual rights (violence against women, sexuality and reproductive rights). Using a variety of methods, including question-answer formats, real-life stories, step-by-step checklists, attractive illustrations and cartoons and comparative charts, the manual reviews the variety and changing trends in customary practices in Pakistan and illustrates the practical application of statute law. The manuals’ primary aim us to increase women’s options by providing information regarding customs and law, highlighting ways in which both can be used to women’s advantage.
262 pp, A4, English, 1996
Women in War Zones: Testimonies of Women in War Zones and Conflict Situations
This Special Bulletin collates the testimonies and experiences of women and girls from war torn areas and conflict zones, including Kashmir, Somalia, Korea, Russia and Eastern Europe. It reveals the patterns of violence against women in wars, such as rape, exile, death, starvation and destitution. By bringing together the experiences of women in conflict zones, the Special Bulletin offers new insights into ways women can seek justice from the perpetrators of violence.
30 pp, A4, English, 1994
Women in Politics: Participation and Representation in Pakistan
Based on unprecedented research carried out by Shirkat Gah, this Special Bulletin discusses the history, the context, and the struggles of women in politics in Pakistan. It traces the development of the national women's movement from the pre-Independence period up to the late 1980s, and discusses the role of non-governmental organizations in this process. The Special Bulletin also examines the past interaction between autonomous advocacy groups and political actors/parties. Identifying the socio-economic barriers to women’s participation in politics as well as the cultural/religious context in which women participate in politics. The Special Bulletin contains a final section with recommendations designed to remove existing barriers and to maximise women’s participation and representation in the political process.
Special Bulletin, 58 pp, A4, English, 1994
Fundamentalism and Secularism in South Asia
This Special Bulletin was compiled in response to the tremendous growth of obscurantist groups/activities in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh since the 1970s. It brings together the work of various academics and activists from the region, who outline the history of this phenomenon - often labelled 'fundamentalism' –and who illuminate the complexity of social, political, and economic factors involved. It examines the impact of this trend on women and society, and presents theoretical debates on women's strategies in the face of obscurantism.
Special Bulletin, 64 pp, A4, English, 1992
The Newsheet is a quarterly compilation produced both in English and Urdu by the WLUML coordination office in Asia. It brings together articles, documents and newspaper reports of relevance to the international network of solidarity and support. The Newsheet focuses on law, religion, custom, women’s rights and human rights. It also contains Alerts for Action and other international appeals and petitions circulated within the network and by other organisations.
Average length/size/language: 20-36 pp, A4, English
XIII-1 Bangladesh High Court declares fatwas illegal
XII-4 Fighting discrimination
XII-3 A disappointing outcome
XII-2 Women's contribution to a culture of peace
XII-1 Egypt makes it easier for women to divorce
XI-4 A step back
XI-3 Life in the danger zone
XI-2 Doubly reprehensible
XI-1 Question the values we uphold in the name of tradition
X-4 Attempt to exploit religion
X-3+2 For a nuclear free South Asia
X-1 Who is behind Algeria's one-sided bloodshed
IX-4 Fundamentalism: developing influences and impact
IX-3 Pakistan's women - fifty years later
IX-1+2 Why can't a woman be treated like a man?
VIII-4 Am I part of the problem?
VIII-3 Women in conflict situations: burning out
VIII-1+2 The women's movement in Turkey
VII-4 Education for all
VII-3 First Muslim women parliamentarians conference
VII-2 See you there
VII-1 A case of no evidence
VI-4 Education for all
VI-3 Fundamentalism on the rise
VI-2 WLUML reproductive rights statement
VI-1 National convention for legal reforms
V-1 Women's rights are human rights
V-2 WLUML statement on women's human rights
V-3 Women and politics
V-4 Graduates in the kitchen
IV-4 Blasphemy laws claim victim
IV-3 Process of Islamisation
IV-2 Blasphemy against development worker
IV-1 Politics of rape
Newsheet Annotations 1992-1997
To facilitate researchers and activists who use the WLUML Newsheet as a reference resource, this annotated bibliography provides a date-wise record and summary of all articles, news clippings, conference reports and alerts which have appeared in the Newsheets between 1992 and 1997. Although designed to be used with the Newsheets, it stands as a reference tool in its own right. The collection is also indexed to further facilitate use.
70 pp, A4, English, 1998