International: MadCat Women's International Film Festival (San Francisco, USA)

3rd I Films
3rd I Films Co-presents: "My Daughter the Terrorist", 21 September 2007, 7:30pm.
Artists' Television Access / Friday, 21 September, 2007 / 7:30 pm
992 Valencia St. @ 21st, San Francisco, California
(415) 824-3890 /
Tickets: $7-20 (Cash Only)
My Daughter the Terrorist (2006), by Beate Arnestad. 52 min / Color / Mini-DV / Norway-Sri Lanka / US Premiere

The Tamils have agitated for independence from the Sri Lankan government since 1972. LTTE, or Tamil Tigers, is the political and military arm of the unrecognized nation, called Tamil Eelam. Black Tigers is the suicide brigade of the LTTE who have inspired freedom fighters such as the PLO. Two close friends, Dharsika and Puhalchudar, are members of the Black Tigers, and have been eating, sleeping, training, and fighting side by side for seven years. They now strap themselves to an American-made Claymore mine. My Daughter the Terrorist looks at what life is like inside a guerrilla organization, and the way the world appears in the eyes of the alleged terrorist. It's about unthinkable acts and trying to understand people who are firmly committed to doing the unthinkable.

Co-presented by 3rd I South Asian Film Festival and Center for Asian American Media