International: Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) Sexuality Institute 2008

WWHR-New Ways
Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies under lens at sexuality institute.
Application deadline: May 15, 2008
The Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies will bring together 20 leading NGO representatives, researchers, practitioners and policymakers for an interdisciplinary institute that combines history, theory and politics of sexuality with advocacy and fieldwork. Running from August 16th to August 23rd, 2008, this intensive participatory training is designed as a comprehensive curriculum on sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies with an in-depth discussion of sexual and reproductive health and rights at the global level.

Issues addressed will include a conceptual and historical framework of sexuality; contemporary discourses and debates around sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies; shariah and sexuality; sexual diversities; sexuality and human rights; sexual health; sexual health and rights advocacy. The Institute will also incorporate sessions focused on application and experience-sharing including a session on CSBR; a roundtable featuring presentations and discussions of participants' work on sexuality; and a panel with Malaysian activists.