WLUML Annual Report 2011

Publication Author: 
Women Living Under Muslim Laws
December 2011
WLUML Annual Report 2011.pdf2.15 MB
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Please download a copy of WLUML's 2011 Annual Report. 2011 was a year filled with opportunities and challenges, and WLUML would like all of its supporters, networkers and interested parties to be up-to-date on the work that we undertook in 2011.

The future direction of WLUML remains focused on addressing women’s rights within both religious and secular frameworks. The continuing and morphing presence of Islamic fundamentalism and the subsequent promotion of strict patriarchal interpretations of the Koran and Sharia are the biggest single threat to women’s human rights in majority Muslim contexts.  Hence, there is a need to work alongside women who are facing these emerging situations and struggles in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as in other parts of the world. These unprecedented phenomena are shaping the way the network will move, the course it will take, and the situations it must adapt to.

In 2012, WLUML will engage in more effective social mobilisation and advocacy work, as it is fast becoming a necessity, as well as strategic responses such as developing the area of expertise in constitutional, legal and electoral processes in Muslim context situations, developing political leadership resources.  WLUML will respond to the needs of the regions and the prevailing political economies and circumstances.   We hope that partners, donors and supporters will continue to be responsive and support WLUML‘s work, to bring attention to and re-focus priority on strengthening women’s rights in these regions and contexts.