[violence] genital mutilation

Ce sont de ces mots qui sont rares. Pour qu’ils naissent, il a fallu des années d’intimité, un rien de chantage, une surprise surmontée avec peine.
Thirty practitioners of female circumcision in Abidjan have publicly laid aside their blades, knives and scissors. This is the result of an ongoing campaign led by the National Organisation for the Child, the Woman and the Family.
Members of 70 villages from the country’s northeastern Matam region have publicly renounced female genital mutilation (FGM) as well as forced and early marriages.
Experts believe that eradicating female genital mutilation (FGM) in Yemen will be a long and arduous process. The United Nations Childrens fund (UNICEF), estimate that FGM is still practiced on approximately two million girls every year.
Sapa reports the welcome news that a group of prominent muslim clerics in Somalia have issued a fatwa against female genital mutilation.
A German aid group finds the first solid proof of the practice, thought to be prevalent in the Middle East.
Fille d'un ex-combattant de l'armée française, Kankou va être expulsée au Mali, où sa grand-mère veut la mutiler.
The UNDF's Fatuma Abdi says circumcision is primarily cultural, not religious: "It is not just the Muslims who are practicing infibulation. It is the Catholics as well."
Les mariages précoces et l'excision, également connue sous le nom de mutilation génitale féminine, sont fréquents au Mali, un pays pauvre où ces pratiques constituent à elles seules la plus grande menace aux droits des jeunes filles.