
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the National Commission on Violence Against Women and Children are hopeful their newly launched book will change the views of the Indonesian Muslim community surrounding women and their rights. Breaking the Silence: Religion listens to the voice of women victims of violence for the sake of justice, launced on June 30, is intended to serve as a reference for clerics, Islamic women's organizations and the government, in promoting progressi

A banner with a picture of a young, bespectacled Christian man is draped in front of the mosque, a fiery noose around his neck and the words: "This man deserves the death penalty!" Churches are shut down. And an Islamic youth militia prepares for its first day of training. Though the events all occur less than 5 miles (10 kilometers) from Indonesia's bustling capital, making headlines in local papers and dominating chats on social networking sites such as Facebook, they've spaked little public debate in the halls of power.

In sharp contrast to many other Muslim-majority countries, women in Indonesia play a very significant role in the public sphere, even in the realm of the production of Islamic discourses. The history and experiences of Indonesian Muslim women, including their role in Islamic scholarship, and also the prolific writings of a number of Indonesian male scholars championing gender justice using Islamic arguments, is largely unknown to Muslims elsewhere.

 إن الحملة العالمية "أوقفوا قتل ورجم النساء" والشبكة العالمية للتضامن "النساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين" قلقان بشأن إصدار ضوابط جديدة في مقاطعة "غرب أتشيا" في اندونيسيا والذي يحرم المسلمين وخاصة النساء من إرتداء ملابس ضيقة. هذه الضوابط صدرت الخميس 27 مايو 2010 من قبل رئيس مقاطعة "غرب أتشيا". وسكان هذه المقاطعة من غير المسلمين، أوالذين يقطنون بصورة مؤقتة، مطالبون بإحترام وتبني هذه الضوابط الجديدة. وتعد "غرب أتشيا"  أول مقاطعة في أندونسيا تطبق وبصرامة "الزي الإسلامي". وإذا وقعت هذه الضوابط من قبل السلطة الإقليمية ستكون المقاطعة بأكملها مجبرة على تطبيق الضوابط الجديدة.

The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women and the International Solidarity Network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) are jointly concerned about the issuance of a new regulation in the district of West Aceh, Indonesia, which strictly forbids Muslims, especially women, to wear tight clothes. The new regulation was issued on Thursday, 27 May 2010, by the Head of the district of West Aceh. Non-Muslims who reside in West Aceh or are temporarily present in West Aceh are also required to respect and to adapt to the new regulation. This new regulation makes West Aceh the first district in the country to strictly implement an ‘Islamic’ dress code and if signed by the Provincial Governor would eventually be enforced in the entire province of Aceh.

Muhammad Juhri a décidé que sa femme accoucherait par voie naturelle, bien que le médecin ait recommandé une césarienne à cause de son hypertension. L’enfant est vivant, mais la mère est décédée suite à des complications.

Three days after the unruly Islam Defenders Front (FPI) stormed a human rights training workshop for transgender individuals in Depok, West Java, police seem reluctant to pursue the case further, with no arrests made to date. Despite massive media reports covering the Friday attack and the presence of several police officers at the crime scene, police investigations have made little progress, despite apparent evidence of the perpetrators. “We were planning to question several witnesses today, but no one showed up,” Depok Police detectives chief Comr. Ade Rahmat Idnal said Monday. The witnesses Ade was referring to were the workshop organizers and members of FPI.

Feminist concern about the violation of women’s rights by male clerics in Muslim countries is slowly producing a response from some states. At the same time, rights activists are increasingly reporting examples of clerics who are standing up for women’s rights. This isn’t about the progressive male and female scholars that are increasingly visible in the Muslim world, nor about the occasional female imam; it’s about male preachers on the streets and in the villages.

Des défenseurs des droits de l'homme ont exprimé leurs inquiétudes mardi après le rejet par la Cour constitutionnelle indonésienne d'une demande de révision de la loi antiblasphème, qui punit toute "déviance" vis-à-vis des six religions acceptées dans le pays. Après des semaines de débats, parfois houleux, la Cour a rejeté lundi la requête déposée par des groupes représentant des musulmans modérés, des religions minoritaires et des défenseurs de la laïcité.

Indonesia’s Constitutional Court ruled 8 to 1 Monday that a controversial 45-year-old law banning religious blasphemy was constitutional. The law allows the attorney general’s office to ban religious groups that “distort” or “misrepresent” official faiths and calls for up to five years in prison for anyone found guilty of heresy. The law also limits the number of officially recognized religions to six: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism. [This in spite of the fact that prior to Monday's ruling, plaintiffs were confident that a judicial review to contest the law would be successful*.] 
