The movement in Turkey is still in its fledgling stages, but gays and lesbians are increasingly outspoken: they are expanding their networks, organizing conferences and film festivals and taking part in May Day marches.
The adultery law is part of a package of sweeping changes to the penal code, which include the abolition of torture and the expansion of individual liberties.
La Cour a jugé que cette loi n'était pas contraire à la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme dès lors que son objectif était de protéger la laïcité, garante des libertés fondamentales et de légalité entre les hommes et les femmes.
The workshop was designed to exchange information, knowledge and experience in the area of sexual and bodily rights and thus provide a broader regional framework for the ongoing efforts.
Turkish legislators are moving to ban virginity tests for women and introducing jail term for those who carry out such examinations without legal permission.
Un nouveau rapport d’Amnesty International documente la violence familiale contre les femmes en Turquie et le role des femmes membres d'organisations non-gouvernementales pour la combattre.
Turkish state universities have the right to ban Muslim headscarves, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has ruled.
Reforms preached in 70,000 mosques.
Muslim clerics in Turkey are to deliver sermons upholding women's rights and condemning so-called "honour killings."