
WLUML est particulièrement bien placé pour identifier les forces politiques d'extrème droite qui se camouflent sous les revendications religieuses ou ethniques, ainsi que leurs effets dévastateurs sur les forces progressistes et sur les femmes.
The implications for the region and beyond are grave, but it's not too late for a counter-revolution.
Fresh religious violence between Hindus and Muslims has claimed six more lives in the western Indian state of Gujarat.
Over the weekend, the doors of a synagogue in Strasbourg were destroyed in a fire, a synagogue in Marseille was burnt to the ground and in Lyon another was rammed by two cars and subsequently set alight.
De nombreuses personnalités politiques ont réagi aux actes antisémites de samedi et dimanche en France. L'indignation que ces actes suscitent est unanime.
A Sharia court in Nigeria has upheld the appeal of a Muslim woman who had been convicted of adultery under Islamic law and sentenced to death by stoning.
Le gouvernement fédéral du Nigeria a déclaré, jeudi, contraire à la Constitution la loi islamique appliquée dans une douzaine d'Etats du nord du pays.
The federal government of Nigeria has declared that the strict implementation of Sharia law is illegal under the country's constitution.
Safiya Husaini, convicted of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning by an Islamic court in Nigeria, must wait a further week to know the outcome of her appeal.
Human Rights Watch call upon the Saudi authorities to conduct an independent, thorough and transparent investigation of the fire on 11 March at a girls' public intermediate school that claimed the lives of at least fourteen students.