Violence against women

والمقصود بمجلس شورى الإخوان هنا ليس مطبخهم الذي لا نعلم عنه شيئا وإنما مجلس الشورى الذي طالبت الثورة بإلغائه وصمم الإخوان المسلمون على بقائه ولم يتجاوز من شارك في انتخابه أكثر من 7% من الناخبين إضافة إلى تعيين 90 عضوا به من قبل رئيس نجح بالأكاذيب ثم قرر أن يكون مجلس الشورى هو الجهة التشريعية للبلاد ليمرر ما يقرره مكتب الإرشاد. هذه هي حقيقة ذلك المجلس الذي صدرت عن لجنة "حقوق الإنسان" به تصريحات بشأن حالات التعذيب الجماعية ضد المتظاهرات في ميادين مصر كفيلة بأن تحول كل أعضائه إلى النيابة العامة بتهمة التحريض على انتهاك أجسادهن والشروع في قتلهن..

Violence against women and girls is both a global and local societal ill—global because its perpetrators and victims are in every corner of the world, and local because its forms differ from one place to the next depending on specific cultural, political and socio-economic circumstances.

Srinagar, India Administered KASHMIR, SOUTH ASIA: “Justice has to and should be done.”; “Justice delayed is justice denied.”; and “Teach your sons not to harass rather than teaching your daughter how to dress.” – these were some of the recent slogans that men and women of all ages in Kashmir have been chanting to show solidarity with the victims of violence in the northern Indian Administered region of Kashmir.

The crackdown on Nuba Women Human Rights Activists in Sudan is escalating.  Khadija, Awatif, and Amira are all former or current detainees who have faced extreme psychological and physical torture on the hands of the Sudanese security forces! 

Khadija Mohamed Badr, a Nuba woman, was put into detention in Kadugli on November 11, 2012 in the course of a large campaign of arrests of Nuba women in late 2012. Khadija was detained with more than 30 other women because of her suspected relationship with the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army/North-SPLM/N and their activities in the Nuba mountains.

In keeping with WLUML’s work to end all forms of violence against girls and women, we would like to commemorate the 6th of February,  International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, by promoting the honourable work of our sisters and long-time WLUML network members in Gambia.

The International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation is observed each year to raise awareness about this practice. Female genital mutilation of any type has been recognized as a harmful practice and violation of the human rights of girls and women. WHO is committed to the elimination of female genital mutilation within a generation and is focusing on advocacy, research and guidance for health professionals and health systems.

The recent brutal gang-rape of a 23-year-old girl in a moving bus in Delhi, India, resulted in expressions of outrage and anger everywhere in the country. The weeks after the rape saw an unprecedented focus on sexual assault—in formal and informal conversations, protests, television debates, drawing rooms, social media, and official statements. These protests were unique because they brought everyone to the streets. It is heart warming that many of the conversations spurred by this response are affirmative—they discuss women’s right to wear what they want, to walk the streets after dark, and other such issues. And, they take on political and spiritual leaders who blame women for rape in direct and indirect ways.

We must acknowledge, sit with, and address the sexual violence that has, is, and will occur in and around Tahrir Square. How do we do this work in a responsible and ethical manner that is in solidarity with Egypt's ongoing (and multiple) revolutions? How do we retain and respect political, economic and social complexity in the face of the horrors of mass and public sexual assault?

After a protracted conflict that has lasted more than two decades, there's now a sense of relative calm and security in Somalia. The unidentifiable gunmen that patrolled the streets have been replaced by men in smart uniforms.

This is an urgent appeal to help a 14-year old Pakistani-Canadian girl who's father will stand in court for molesting and sexually violating her for two consecutive years. There is a Facebook page that was created yesterday.Please see here:
