[violence] sexual violence

At a time when insecurity is on the rise in Baghdad, women and girls in Baghdad told Human Rights Watch that the insecurity and fear of sexual violence or abduction is keeping them in their homes, out of schools, away from work and looking for employment.
Manifeste des femmes des quartiers.
The burgeoning incidents of rape of young women point to an increasingly common phenomenon in what are known as cites the massive housing projects that ring most of the country's large cities.
In spite of sub-zero temperatures, sleet and snow, thousands of Muslim women turned up on Saturday for the first day of a five-week march that will take them to 23 cities of France, and allow them to protest the growing violence they are subject to.
In 1979 the Islamic regime of Pakistan introduced changes in the law of rape, providing Islamic standards of proof and punishment for this crime. The law concerning rape was made part of the ordinance, called The Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, VII of 1979 (the term zina encompasses adultery, fornication, rape and prostitution).
A memoir of growing up female in a Muslim world by Taslima Nasrin.
How could a tribal council in the Pakistani village of Meerwala Jatoi decree that a young woman be raped in revenge for a crime allegedly committed by her brother? by Beena Sarwar
As U. S. Catholic priests returned from the Vatican in Rome this week to discuss the problem of sexual abuse of children by priests, little attention is being paid to reports of sexual exploitation of nuns in Africa by the church's clergy.
Bangladeshi women who face harassment from males lack any access to avenues of social or legal redress. The suicide of Simi Banu tragically highlights the need for the law to protect not only female ‘modesty’, but the very right to equality.