[sex] lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender

"Homosexuals and homosexuality are natural and created by God, thus permissible within Islam, a discussion concluded here Thursday."
"Since the beginning of February 2008, an unprecedented wave of homophobia has surged across Senegal," explains Codou Bop.
"Depuis le début du mois de Février 2008, une vague d’homophobie, sans précédent frappe le Sénégal," explique Codou Bop.
Parvez Sharma spent six years traveling throughout the Muslim world, Europe and North America documenting the lives of gay and lesbian Muslims – many of them devout – who struggle to reconcile their faith with their sexuality.
Êtes-vous un(e) activiste ou une organisation de lesbiennes, gays, bisexuel(le)s, transgenres et/ou intersexué(e)s qui souhaitez témoigner de vos actions ?
The new-media exposure of homosexual activity in the Muslim world highlights the paradoxes of its collision with modernity, says KA Dilday.
Aswat - Palestinian Gay Women will host a lecture by Dr. Samar Habib from Australia, on 3 February 2008.
A l’occasion du hadj, pèlerinage à La Mecque, qui s’est achevé le 21 décembre 2007, le quotidien saoudien anglophone ArabNews s’interroge sur la place des eunuques dans l’islam.
They are neither men nor women. In their devotion to God, however, they are second to none.
La ville de Ksar El Kébir a retrouvé son calme, après le singulier scandale qui a secoué le pays et le délire homophobe qui a embrasé la petite ville au nord du Maroc.
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