[health] AIDS/HIV

The Muslim community does not oppose the use of condoms in totality, Chief Kadhi Sheikh Hammad Kassim has said.
Positive Muslims welcomes the news that the consultation is to be hosted in Cape Town on 14-18th November 2006.
In the wooden shanty town of Elmina on the outskirts of Mauritania's capital, Nouakchott, AIDS educators do not let religious or cultural conservatism get in their way.
A conference on HIV/Aids among women and girls in the Middle East and north Africa has heard a call for more to be done to help this vulnerable group.
Selon le rapport annuel de l'Onusida publié mardi, près de 50% des personnes vivant avec le HIV sont des femmes.
Le site offre des informations sur l’ALCS et d’autres associations, un forum de discussion, un dossier VIH/ IST/ Hépatites/ accès aux traitements, une revue de presse internationale et une rubrique "information" mise à jour.
An unprecedented worldwide public education effort to raise public awareness about the devastating effect of the bishops’ ban on condoms, sponsored by Catholics for a Free Choice.
"Inertia and sexism has plagued the response to HIV/AIDS and we will continue to lose vast numbers of women as a result."
Following their release on bail in August 2001, the HIV/AIDS prevention workers now face charges from the Lucknow police.