
It was the second time in less than six months that the person holding that post has been assassinated. In the latest attack, two assailants on a motorcycle gunned down Najia Sediqi, the acting head, as she was getting into a rickshaw in Mehtar Lam, the provincial capital, according to Ahmad Gul Baidar, the head of administrative affairs for the women’s department.

KABUL, Afghanistan — The acting head of women’s affairs in Laghman Province in eastern Afghanistan was shot to death in daylight on Monday as she was traveling to work.It was the second time in less than six months that the person holding that post has been assassinated. In the latest attack, two assailants on a motorcycle gunned down Najia Sediqi, the acting head, as she was getting into a rickshaw in Mehtar Lam, the provincial capital, according to Ahmad Gul Baidar, the head of administrative affairs for the women’s department.

Just the other week, on Sunday, December 2nd, a tenth grader from Mahmoud Raqi Girls High School in Kapisa Province of Afghanistan was shot seven times by a group of men while she was walking home from school.

Anisa was a volunteer for a polio vaccination campaign ran by the Ministry of Public Health. Anisa was killed for going to school. She was killed for vaccinating children. And she was killed for working outside her home.

The Afghan Women's Network has condemned the killing of Kapisa schoolgirl, Anisa, who was shot dead allegedly by Taliban members on Sunday.

JALALABAD, Afghanistan — It is doubly miraculous that the young woman named Gul Meena is alive. After she was struck by an ax 15 times, slashing her head and face so deeply that it exposed her brain, she held on long enough to reach medical care and then, despite the limitations of what the doctors could do, clung to life. 

Fawzia Koofi is an Afghan women's rights activist and MP. She has already declared that she will run for president in 2014. In this interview with Martin Gerner, she outlines the two policy areas closest to her heart and explains why some Afghans view the timeline for the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan with trepidation.

Afghan women's safety activists say a new partnership with religious leaders can help stop Taliban attacks on girls and women that have left a Pakistani teen activist for girls just across the border in Swat Province undergoing brain surgery after a gunshot execution.

صرحت منظمة العفو الدولية بأن قيام مُلاّ محلي بإنزال عقوبة الجلد على الملأ بفتاة لم تتجاوز السادسة عشرة من عمرها في ولاية غزني بأفغانستان عقاباً لها على إقامتها "علاقة غير شرعية" مع أحد الفتية، لهو أمر مقيت يبرهن على مدى سوء الأوضاع التي تعيشها النساء والفتيات في أفغانستان.

Les autorités afghanes viennent d'annoncer officiellement, pour la première fois, que le fait pour une femme de fuir le foyer n'est pas un crime. Le 16 septembre, le ministre de la Justice et celle des Droits des femmes ont assuré que les Afghanes ayant fui un mariage forcé ou des violences domestiques ne feraient plus l'objet de poursuites. Les forces de police ont reçu des instructions en ce sens.

Hajji Rais Khan, a white bearded resident of Nangarhar’s Dur Baba district, needed only to remove his false teeth and hand over 3,000 dollars to conclude the swift purchase of a young woman for his bride.
