Middle East

A 29-year-old divorcee in Bahrain has been receiving death threats and anonymous phone calls after being interviewed about her case on Al Hurra television on November 25th 2006. During the interview, mother-of-three Suad Mohammed Fathalla spoke alongside Women's Petition Committee head Ghada Jamsheer and Bahrain Center for Human Rights president Abdulhadi Al Khawaja.
We have received the following information from Iraqi friends who have initiated a campaign now that the constitutional committee has been formed. Their demands will be sent to the committee, to urge them to affirm the Personal Status Law and to remove Article 41 from the Iraqi constitution.
WLUML has received an urgent request from the Committee of Women’s Petition (CWP), Bahrain. WLUML strongly urges you to take action in support of the group of women from Bahrain linked with the Committee of Women’s Petition and ensure their safe return to Bahrain following their campaigning visit to Europe in support of Bahrain’s proposed Family Code.
Women's rights activist Ghada Jamsheer was found not guilty of defaming a Sharia judge by the Lower Criminal Court on 28 December 2005. The court ruled that there was not enough evidence to prosecute Ms Jamsheer because the judge only had one witness who supported his claim against her.
In June 2005 WLUML circulated an alert for action to support women’s rights campaigner Ms. Ghada Jamsheer who faced three trials for publicly criticizing family court judges and, if convicted, faced up to 15 years in prison.
Au mois de juin dernier nous avons fait circuler un appel urgent vous demandant de soutenir la militante pour les droits des femmes, Ghada Jamsheer, qui devait faire l’objet de trois procès pour avoir critiqué publiquement les juges des tribunaux familiaux.
Le réseau Femmes Sous Lois Musulmanes a appris que le parlement irakien a décidé de s’accorder un délai supplémentaire d'une semaine, jusqu'au 22 août afin de finaliser le projet de Constitution irakienne puisque les représentants des parties n’ont pas réussi à parvenir à un accord.
WLUML urges you to continue writing to the Iraqi authorities, insisting they listen to Iraqi women's demands for a constitution that secures the rights and liberties of all Iraqi people and especially of Iraqi women.