Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) is a term referring to women who individually or with others, act to promote and protect everyone’s human rights and any individual working specifically to promote women’s rights.
Le terme Femmes Défenseurs des Droits Humains (FDDH) désigne des femmes qui, à titre individuel ou en groupe, agissent pour promouvoir et protéger les droits humains des personnes, ainsi que toute personne oeuvrant particulièrement à promouvoir les droits des femmes.
WLUML has received a call for action from friends in Women in Black to demand the immediate end to the continual harassment of Women in Black in Belgrade who have been under investigation in recent months.
The Safra Project is a resource project on issues relating to lesbian, bisexual & transgender women who identify as Muslim religiously and/or culturally. The Safra Project ethos is one of inclusiveness and diversity. We welcome input from all individuals and groups seeking to combat all forms of prejudice.
Thanks to international pressure, solidarity and support, Muyeser Gunes and the members of Mothers for Peace have been released.
WLUML has received a call for action from friends in Women in Black Leuven (Belgium) to demand the immediate release of Muyeser Gunes of the association Mothers for Peace and of the other members of the Peace Caravan held in Turkish prisons awaiting trial.
WLUML has received a call for action from friends in Turkey following the recent Turkish Penal Code reform and urges you to respond.
WLUML has received a call for action to support those in the Slovak Republic to defend the separation of church and state and women's rights.
Women, their roles and above all, their control, are at the heart of the fundamentalist agenda. That they should conform to the strict confines of womanhood within the fundamentalist religious code is a precondition of maintaining and reproducing the fundamentalist version of society.