West Africa

Cependant, d’aucuns soutiennent que c’était une coutume traditionnelle qui a précédé l’Islam en pays Haoussa. L’objectif de la présente recherche consiste à jeter les bases de l’étude de l’histoire et de la pratique de l’enfermement des femmes dans cette région du Nigéria, ainsi que des discours idéologiques, religieux, politiques et juridiques qui les entourent dans leur contexte socio-économique.

Le pays Haoussa avant l’influence islamique
Senegal has eight million inhabitants, 95% of whom are Muslim, with the remainder predominantly Christian. There are very few animists who formally practice traditional religions. I say formally because in fact traditional practices are present in the daily life of all Senegalese, be they Muslim or Christian, because these practices are profoundly rooted in their cultures.

Soon after the introduction of Islam to Senegal, Muslims organized into Confreries*. This meant that the first religious leaders taught Islam according to the tradition of their spiritual leaders.
Throughout the world, and particularly in Third World countries, feminists have been sounding the alarm about the rise of religious and political fundamentalism. Historically, fundamentalism has always been a move to strengthen patriarchal authority and maintain the "moral order" of society. Patriarchy, understood as the relations of domination and subordination that pervade human gender relations, takes different forms in different historical periods depending on the prevailing material conditions.