

The building of a civil society rests upon public participation, on the way society is currently being run, on the values being promoted, and on how resources are currently being distributed. 

However, governments, politicians, elites, often give the false impression that only they are qualified for political and social participation and that ordinary people have little to contribute besides electing them to the office. Such attitudes have silenced many voices form expressing their concerns. 


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The trend is unmistakable and deeply alarming:

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This special issue is based on a series of symposia on Gender and Fundamentalisms conducted over the last four years on different aspects of the relationship between gender and fundamentalisms. These symposia took place once a semester at SOAS and were organised by Nira YuvalDavis from the Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) of the University of East London and Nadje Al-Ali from the Centre of Gender Studies (CGS) at SOAS University of London.



The issue of Violence against Women in the public sphere has been a major source of concern over the past few years, especially in the four years following the January 25th Revolution in 2011. Discussion of what Women have to endure in the public sphere became commonplace on many platforms, including the media and social networking sites. It has also become a leading item on the agendas of many feminist organizations and various groups which seek to confront the exacerbating and increasingly frequent phenomenon.

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This book provides an urgently needed analysis of the bravery and creativity exhibited by women in the realm of sports, which has emerged as a major realm of contestation between proponents of women’s rights and political Islamist forces in Muslim contexts. Through focused case studies, this volume tracks the many sophisticated, context-specific, and constantly evolving strategies of women’s resistance to their exclusion in sport. Integral in their struggles for full inclusion in competitive sports, as both players and spectators, is women’s claim to their full and equal citizenship.

Gender-related killing occurs in all our societies, be it as a result of intimate partner violence, in the name of “honour”, in connection with accusations of sorcery or witchcraft, or in the context of armed conflict.

This submission references Shari’a, international human rights law, and the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia (PFC) to condemn human rights violations in Somalia. Although the Somali Government has implemented measures to foster the protection of human rights, Somalia maintains its highly critical human rights record, which requires greater national and international attention.


Women In Black held a vigil on the 3rd September 2015 drawing attention to the UK government’s complicity in human rights abuses in Sudan, and abuses against women in particular.