When Kuwait's emir decreed women should have the vote, the freewheeling Parliament -- a rare symbol of democratic ideals in the Persian Gulf -- used its constitutional powers to overrule him.
Ayesha Imam and BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights honoured for their work against the discriminatory application of the new Sharia laws in Nigeria's Northern States.
Ayesha Imam et BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights recevront le Prix pour leur opposition à l'application des nouvelles lois pénales de la charia dans les Etats du nord du Nigéria.
A three-day Southeast Asia Regional Meeting on ‘Islam, Politics and Women: What Identities? Whose Interests’ was held from 26 – 28 October 2002 in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
WLUML, the Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Shirkat Gah, and the Women’s International Coalition for Economic Justice are running this workshop during the AWID Forum, taking place from 3-6 Ocober in Mexico.
Miftah is a Palestinian, Jerusalem-based, independent institution committed to fostering the principles of democracy and effective dialogue based on the free and candid exchange of information and ideas.