
A new proposed Family Protection Bill has been returned to the judiciary commission of the Iranian parliament as a result of backlash against the bill's most discriminatory provisions.
C’est une première. L’Université al-Azhar du Caire, plus haute référence religieuse du monde musulman, a lancé une fatwa contre les mutilations génitales féminines, qualifiées de «crime contre l’espèce humaine».
"A Shia woman solemnizing marriage of a Sunni couple. If that was not enough, the nikah that made Lucknow sit up in disbelief, was to have only women as witnesses."
In this essay, Rochelle Terman considers the role of Muslim women in sports on the global scene, especially in light of the current Olympic Games.
La Campagne Internationale sur les Femmes Défenseures des Droits Humains consolide actuellement son travail en créant une Coalition qui soutiendra de façon durable les femmes défenseures des droits humains.
The Muslim Institute, Britain’s foremost Muslim think-tank, is to launch a new standard marriage contract (nikah) for British Muslims wishing to marry under Muslim law. To download the marriage contract please see attachment.
A debate is opening up in Saudi Arabia as to whether or not women can become muftis, following a recent announcement made by the Grand Mufti of Syria Sheikh Ahmad Badr Al Din Hassoun.
A senior member of the Board of Senior Ulemas has said women are allowed to join the board in order to break the monopoly held by men.

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights (UAF) is a global women’s fund that exists to protect, strengthen and sustain women human rights defenders at critical moments in time. By intervening quickly when defenders are poised to make great gains or face serious threats to their lives and work, UAF provides an efficient and effective model of strategic philanthropy.Designed and led by women activists, UAF’s core programs – Rapid Response Grantmaking and Research, Publications & Advocacy – strengthen and inform one another.

Navanethem Pillay confirmed as new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
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