
Over 50 women participated from 22 countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Egypt, Gambia, Iran, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, UK, and USA. Many dozens more contributed to the PoA through regional and country-specific meetings that preceded the Senegal meeting.

En juillet 2006, des « networkers » actives du réseau international de solidarité – Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) – se sont réunies à Dakar au Sénégal pour élaborer notre quatrième plan d’action (PA). C’est le cadre analytique qui guidera nos stratégies et activités dans les prochaines années.

At the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) will present an interactive panel and dialogue with women’s rights activists from Africa and the Middle East who will discuss strategies to strengthen social movements.
This meeting will be pushing for a transformative look at democracy that questions the role of women in political systems including the political parties/coalitions dominating the Kenyan scene; and democracy at the personal and interpersonal level.
The Salma Sobhan Memorial Lecture was delivered at the National Museum's auditorium as part of the 20th founding anniversary celebration of Ain O Salish Kendra, a legal rights organisation. Salma Sobhan was one of the nine founders of the Kendra.
"Agency, Inequality and Human Rights" by Amartya Sen.
Female imams guide others in worship and are the primary spiritual leaders for the women in their communities.
This book review journal features books of interest to feminist and women's studies not published in English and regularly reviews books on FGM.
In this new book, Margot Badran poses the questions, "Islamic feminism. What is it? Where did it arise? From within or from without? Is it "legitimate"? What are its aims?"
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