
Algeria's cabinet have approved a draft law aimed at combating the growing influence of evangelical Christian groups in the overwhelmingly Muslim country.
The majority of suicide bombers have been young men. However, some of the most lethal exponents of suicide bombing have been neither male nor Muslim. Women involved in a series of attacks are beginning to undermine this stereotype.
Police in Belgium and France launched a series of raids yesterday against a suspected terrorist network after a Belgian-born convert to Islam blew herself up in Baghdad, becoming Europe's first woman suicide bomber.
It is an indication of the worrying political trends in Bangladesh that the Bangladesh National Party-Jamaat-i-Islami alliance currently in power is one of the most right-wing elected governments in the country's history and yet even this government is unable to satisfy extremist politico-religious groups.
Mob's rampage in Pakistan after rumours of Qur'an desecration worries communities that usually live in peace.
Hispanic women converting to Islam are exerting influence beyond their numbers, teaching Spanish-Arabic classes, forming Hispanic-Muslim organizations & distributing Spanish translations of the Qur'an.
Veuillez signer la lettre au Président du Parlement européen pour protester contre une exposition contre l’avortement qui a été déployée avec l’autorisation des autorités concernées du Parlement européen, et qui comparait l’avortement à la Shoa.
A growing number of Zanzibaris are turning toward a stricter form of Islam and possibly away from democracy ahead of this fall's elections, expected to be a volatile affair.
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