
In July 2001, working women in the Saharan city Hassi Messaoud were attacked by a mob of three-hundred men following a sermon given in the local mosque by islamist imam Amar Taleb.
Egyptian court rules that no individual can petition a court to forcibly divorce another person.
Le proces a été repousse le 10 juillet 2001: la Tentative d'annuler le mariage de Docteur Nawal el--Saadawi est remise la deuxième fois.
We are deeply concerned about politically-motivated court action brought against Dr. Nawal el-Saadawi and the possibility of threats to her personal security and that of her husband. Now 70, the prominent Egyptian feminist writer, doctor and active defender of the rights of women has become the latest intellectual to face the possibility of apostasy charges.

Les mouvements politiques fondamentalistes et la campagne qu’ils mènent contre les femmes ont, au cours des années, suscité maints débats et sont devenus l’une des principales préoccupations de notre réseau.

Your regular Dossiers finally reappear and in a new format. In the meantime, we have devoted our energies to urgent cases requiring urgent actions. We have been producing two Special Dossiers, on “Women in wars and conflict situations - Initiatives in their defence” (one on ex-Yugoslavia and one on Algeria). These publications were linked to broader activities of the WLUML international solidarity network in initiating actions in defence of women in wars and conflict situations; our concern and activities were voiced at a special workshop held during the NGO Forum of the UN Conference on Women in Beijing.

Part of a series which seeks to systematically list and document information on the worldwide rise of political movements known as ‘religious fundamentalist’ and their consequences for women, it also lists initiatives and writings which counter such movements. The term communalism is widely used across South Asia to describe the systematic misuse of religion for political purposes.

Dans l'aire du temps des dernières décennies du siècle, il semble nécessaire et suffissant de mettre ensemble dans une même salle des personnes de différentes nationalités - sachant qu'en toute probabilité elles ne se reverront plus ou par hasard, et n'aurons plus ou guère de contacts entre elles, moins encore qu'elles travailleront ensembles - pour baptiser une réunion "inter-national".

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