[mil] genocide/incitement in conflicts

Hundreds of civilians are reported to have been killed when the Sri Lankan army launched a concerted assault on an area it had just designated as a safe zone.
Kumudini Samuel est une activiste connue des droits humains au Sri Lanka. L’AWID l’a rencontrée pour parler de cette crise.
International Women’s Day is a time when people around the globe focus on the needs and contributions of women. This year, on Sunday, March 8, 2009, women and men worldwide will commemorate the day by highlighting the plight of the women of Gaza.
Le 9 novembre 1938, le régime politique nazi organise dans toute l’Allemagne la première étape de la violente persécution antisémite qui se prolongera ensuite jusqu’à la Shoah.
The Supreme Court Wednesday put objections from the Gujarat government aside and sought details of 17 incidents of communal violence in 2002 to decide on the question of shifting of these cases for trial outside the state.
This is a short impressionistic imprint by the Coalition of Tamils and Muslims for Peace and Coexistence (CTMPC) of a village in Mutur district today, a village unable to recover, unable to recuperate in the continuing condition of war and instability.
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