State control

One Million Signatures campaign activist Jelveh Javaheri has been issued a six month prison sentence by Iran’s Revolutionary Courts for her participation in a peaceful protest on June 12, 2008.
Victims of rape and other torture by Iranian security forces are facing renewed risk after documents detailing abuses against them were confiscated, Irene Khan, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, said today.
The identity of 72 victims, killed in the recent uprising against dictatorship and religious regime in Iran has been published.
According to reports from a WLUML networker, several women's rights activists have been physically violated outside the Khartoum Court and during their transportation to a police station.
All 52 women's rights activists physically violated and arrested outside the Khartoum courtroom where the trial of Lubna Hussein for 'indecent' clothing was taking place, have been released and are safe.
Since Iran's Ahmadinejad named the Islamic Republic's first women to cabinet-level posts, rights activists have denounced it as a cynical move. Leila Mouri explains why the nominees now facing Parliament don't represent her.
Hengameh Shahidi, a female journalist arrested on 30 June, is being held without charge in Evin prison, in Iran's capital, Tehran. She is a prisoner of conscience, held solely for the peaceful exercise of her right to freedom of expression and association
The office of the human rights organisation, Mothers of Dagestan for Human Rights (MDHR), burned down on the night of 19 August 2009, resulting in the destruction of all office equipment.
On 4 and 5 August 2009, human rights defenders were detained by police in Manipur following a protest against the summary execution of an unarmed former militant by security forces.
Femmes Solidaires condamne fermement, les agressions inadmissibles de l’Armée Djiboutienne contre les civils Afars, et plus particulièrement contre les femmes de cette communauté.
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